Here's what to do:
Any questions?
Also it's been ages since I've been on x10, has the economy shifted a little?
I seem to recall doing this for 10 creds before. Hmm...
Finally, there's a super moderator position available. Interested? PM me on Young Developer if you are!
- Register on Young Developer
- Post as much as you want, wherever you want.
- When you're done, PM me on Young Developer with your x10 username and links to all your posts. Posts must have at least 5 words to qualify!
- I'll give you 20 credits for every post you make!
- Repeat until I run out of credits.
Any questions?
Also it's been ages since I've been on x10, has the economy shifted a little?
I seem to recall doing this for 10 creds before. Hmm...
Finally, there's a super moderator position available. Interested? PM me on Young Developer if you are!
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