ello ello...


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ok, first off, I would like to say this...you have just officially annoyed me with your anti-bot system...every one prior to the one I just got were tolerable, and not a pain to do...this one...it is freaking BOUNCING...that is just slightly annoying...not horrible as compared to some of the ones that I have to fill out in order to upload pictures to my favorite picture site...but still...

ello ello all... how are you all... my nickname, as dubbed by one of my good fellow crazy friends, is CaffeineMan... sadly, upon trying to register my account with x10, they shortened it to caffei47, which slightly bums me out. but oh well, its no big deal... the nickname was given to me due to the fact that if I have the money, and the privilege, I have caffeine in my system dang close to literally 24/7/365... AND BOY IS IT FUN... also, sorry for the long caps pieces... I only use them for emphasis, and sadly, I do not know how else to provide that without caps.

me and another of my fellow crazy friends, just not near as crazy as me or my friend whom dubbed me caffeineman, are programmers... he is going into software engenering for his career, and I simply program for the fun of it in my spare time... I enjoy programming very much so, but sadly, the college I am attending does not provide a programming major :/ and on top of that, my brain does not work well enough to make it in a programming profession, but that will not stop me from programming for fun, and providing(as of right now) my programs/games for free to the public... currently I am developing a game for the fun of it, that is a grass-roots rpg, sadly all I am able to develop right now is the standard outdated point and click rpg... but me and my buddy have enough ideas that we will be, and want to include in the game, that I believe it will more than make up for the point and click aspect...

man, I have rambled way too much in this post... and sadly, that is something that I have issues with... sorry about that :p