I set up an email account. I am now trying to forward it and keep getting the following error message:
Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/nancypflum.com. Ignore any messages of success this can only result in failure!
All email sent to nancy@nancypflum.com will now be copied to nancypflum@earthlink.net
However when I check, there are no forwarders configured for the current domain.
I don't get it.
Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/nancypflum.com. Ignore any messages of success this can only result in failure!
All email sent to nancy@nancypflum.com will now be copied to nancypflum@earthlink.net
However when I check, there are no forwarders configured for the current domain.
I don't get it.