Resolved Error establishing a database connection

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My Wordpress site has been up and running fine for quite a while now, but I tried to visit today and am greeted with "Error establishing a database connection".
I've followed all troubleshooting (that I can think of) including making sure usernames/passwords are correct.

I originally set up the site with Softaculous but it seems I am unable to make any changes with it as it says "The URL posted is not in your domain(s) list". Probably because I set up the site as an alias, but it worked fine prior to the change from cPanel


I am just me
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Parked domains (aliases) were converted to Domain Pointers. They act the same for the end user, but a domain pointer can not hold any dns, email etc on their own, which is why it won't show up in softaculous (in fact many things that were installed using softaculous probably lost the connection to softaculous due to things being handled diffrently).

username/password for your database(s) should not have changed at all, but only localhost will work as host.

Seeing as you use cloudflares name servers, the first step would be making sure you have updated the A record at their end to reflect that you are now on a new server, the IP of your current server is: If the problem is still there after update (may take a few minutes to propagate and fill their proxy servers with the correct information), continue with the troubleshooting below:

In the folder wordpress is installed (should be /domains/<your_main_domain>/public_html given the information you post) you will find a file called wp-congfig.php, inside that one you would be able to see what information wordpress have about your database.

If it says localhost, that's all good.

(this part should not be needed as you mention having checked user/pass, but just to be sure)
Make note about what it says for database name, user and password.

Next step would then be to navigate to "Account Manager"->"mySQL Management" and verfiy the database is there. If you see the database click on it and make sure the user matches, if not you can either change what wp-config.php has or create a new user that matches up with both name and password. If the user is there, opt to change the password to what was in the config file to ensure they all match up.
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