My site is working perfectly except my cron tab script keeps saying
PHP: Error parsing /usr/local/lib/php.ini on line 786
I suspect that mysqli not working in the cron tab script might have something to do with this?
Class 'mysqli' not found in ... on line 13
Is this something I can correct myself or do I need support help?
I suspect that this error surfaced a few weeks ago, about the time x10hosting changed server configurations. I'm on starka.
My site is working perfectly except my cron tab script keeps saying
PHP: Error parsing /usr/local/lib/php.ini on line 786
I suspect that mysqli not working in the cron tab script might have something to do with this?
Class 'mysqli' not found in ... on line 13
Is this something I can correct myself or do I need support help?
I suspect that this error surfaced a few weeks ago, about the time x10hosting changed server configurations. I'm on starka.