I like your design choice and the fact that the theme allows users to easily change the color scheme without having to refresh.
Things I don't like. The Conduit Bar slider bar at the bottom. I find that a bit annoying. Personally, I don't like additional toolbars, especially not Conduit Toolbars.
Why are your Google Ads that are part of your ad rotations in Chinese when your site's in English? You should use the English version.
Try having your banner/logo link to the home page and not index.php, which since you are using a portal, goes to the forum listing. After a user clicks to another page on your site, its difficult to get back to the front page portal without editing the URL.
Nice and so simple and good concept..but
i don't know why it need little+little time to loaded in my browser..:redface:
its CMS? what it? (i'm newbie.)..:redface:
It's the phpBB 3 Forum software with the phpBB Portal installed.