Hi Everyone
Since few Days iam facing a peculiar problem with File folder permissions on my Account.Thats is
I have a Login system on my website under /package/login
It is working fine except That its Admin section under /package/login/admin is not accessable when i checked its permissions it is 000 so i uploaded another folder named admin1 with same files and modified the system to redirect admin to /package/login/admin1 ,it worked fine but today again the same problem this folder also got reseted to 000 permissions.
i dont know what is the problem but its a Strange and big one.I think there is some big problem with server,Also My Subdomain information is incorrect it shows another sub domain admin.nidhidatasystems.x10hosting.com and awstats is also showing the same.and doesnt show any data after september,i think due to this misconfiguration the admin folder is getting effected.i request admins to please look into the matter,as this could result in big crash
My Domain nidhidatasystems.x10hosting.com
Cpanel user sourabhj
Since few Days iam facing a peculiar problem with File folder permissions on my Account.Thats is
I have a Login system on my website under /package/login
It is working fine except That its Admin section under /package/login/admin is not accessable when i checked its permissions it is 000 so i uploaded another folder named admin1 with same files and modified the system to redirect admin to /package/login/admin1 ,it worked fine but today again the same problem this folder also got reseted to 000 permissions.
i dont know what is the problem but its a Strange and big one.I think there is some big problem with server,Also My Subdomain information is incorrect it shows another sub domain admin.nidhidatasystems.x10hosting.com and awstats is also showing the same.and doesnt show any data after september,i think due to this misconfiguration the admin folder is getting effected.i request admins to please look into the matter,as this could result in big crash
My Domain nidhidatasystems.x10hosting.com
Cpanel user sourabhj