File Sharing capabilities


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okay so I've posted about file upload issues etc basically during lesson were developing php systems and our topic is virtual storage like dropbox, google drive etc. My teacher has now set the task to enable the ability to share files but also restrict access within the server folder. I'm being taught MySQL however I've read a lot about PDO being better and decided to use this method to try and get a higher grade for my project however I'm having difficulty understanding how to go about
  • creating file sharing capability (i.e. students can share group projects)
  • restricting users (only those working on a particular document can view it)
dont worry this is not for my own benefit I'm just trying to get a grade here, I mainly just want advice on what I need I've read quite a bit but unfortunately I'm more of a visual learner.


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I'm not going to do your homework/project for you, and I would strongly encourage everyone else here to similarly not do that. We have a term for getting someone else to do your schoolwork for you, it's called "cheating" and usually ends badly for you.

Google and other search engines is a great resource to get code examples and explanations, but whatever you find, make sure that instead of blindly copying it that you actually understand what the code is doing so that (if asked) you can confidently answer and say "this part of the code is responsible for this". Additionally, be sure to credit ANY code you get to where you got it from (by inserting a comment in the source code, like "this function was taken from XXX website and is under the YYY license).

If that is too much for you, ask your group members for some help (if it is a group project). If they don't know either, turn to your TA or teacher and see if they would be willing to guide you a bit; my guess says they would be. If that is still too much for you, reconsider getting into programming/computer science and look into other fields that you perform better in.


New Member
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I'm not going to do your homework/project for you, and I would strongly encourage everyone else here to similarly not do that. We have a term for getting someone else to do your schoolwork for you, it's called "cheating" and usually ends badly for you.

Google and other search engines is a great resource to get code examples and explanations, but whatever you find, make sure that instead of blindly copying it that you actually understand what the code is doing so that (if asked) you can confidently answer and say "this part of the code is responsible for this". Additionally, be sure to credit ANY code you get to where you got it from (by inserting a comment in the source code, like "this function was taken from XXX website and is under the YYY license).

If that is too much for you, ask your group members for some help (if it is a group project). If they don't know either, turn to your TA or teacher and see if they would be willing to guide you a bit; my guess says they would be. If that is still too much for you, reconsider getting into programming/computer science and look into other fields that you perform better in.

okay so i have a file uploading function to a path within the server and Ive managed to get it to display on the webpage as a link to download etc just need to add restrictions as to who is able to access the file