I did make my own support thread. I'm just posting here to let people know that others have the same issue, and that it's quite possibly not his loggin being wrong. If 10 people post up that their FTP isn't working, maybe we can assume it's not something we are doing wrong. If only one person posts, then maybe it won't be fixed as quickly.
Status: Resolving address of pokebomb.co.cc
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving address of pokebomb.co.cc
Status: Connecting to
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
same thing happened when i added a ftp.
I checked my password and username and they were right and then I tried again when I turned of my firewall just incase but still no connection is something down? and my website is up
I fixed it by changing my port to 22 and if it matters I used boru.x10hosting.com