I shine a flashlight through the wall of diamonds creating a prismatic effect superheating the hill until the occupant is forced to flee or die, then claim the hill. After creating a fortress 200 meters underneath the hill, I surround the hill with poisonous snakes, amphibians, and a moat of komodo dragons. Retreating under the hill, I adopt the name Mr. Underhill, and seal the entrance with plastique explosives.
Zdroyd said:IDDGQ!
You all just got owned!
King, Am I!
IDDQG is God mode for DOOM, and there is only one way to turn it off! (In the original Doom)
If you tell me the mode that turns it off I will give you credits!
I divide your monsters by zero, making them implode, and then I divde you by zero and I claim the hill.
Hey, you never said I couldn't use math![]()