Forum hosting

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i'm having trouble
i downloaded the phpBB forum files, but have no idea how and where to upload it here
anyone please help?
i'm trying to follow the below steps, but how do i upload a whole folder and how does this FTP work?

Installing phpBB is pretty straight forward, you'll only need access to FTP and the login credentials of your database. Both are provided by your host. Also you'll need a FTP client if you haven't one yet to access the server. Have a search on google for one. Once you have this we can start setting the system up.

  1. Download the latests phpBB package (3.0.4)
  2. Unzip the archive, you'll end up with a directory named phpBB3
  3. If you want rename this directory to match your needs (forum, community, etc)
  4. Login to the server through your FTP client and upload this folder to your server.
  5. Point your browser to the installer
    Code: Select all
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen

Once you've finished the installation login through ftp again and navigate into the phpBB folder. Now remove the directory named "install".
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