Free Premium Quality WordPress Theme | Radontastic
This special theme, took us quite some time to develop because we have loaded it with premium features. A javascript image gallery framework was built on top of the jQuery library, 12 generous banner ads for monetization, unlimited background colors to match your brand, tabbed sidebars, category powered front page widgets, featured posts, and more!
Like our previous theme release, Radontastic is also tried and tested to work in a multisite environment. Radontastic is WordPress MU compatible theme.
Radontastic has a robust admin options panel which accommodates the General Settings, Slideshow, Page Tracker, Social Networking, Page Navigation, Mail and Custom Ads Settings.
Check out the other theme features:
- Magazine theme
- Featured Post Image Slider
- 12 Advertisement Blocks Ready
- Unlimited Background Colors
- Feature Photos section
- Custom Font Integration
- WordPress MU Compatible
- Spread the articles via Social bookmarks (TweetMeme, Delicious, Digg, Newsvine, RSS, Stumbleupon, Technorati, Twitter)
- Separation of Comments and Trackbacks
- SEO optimized
- Automatic Thumbnail Resizer (without using a custom field)
- Compatible with WordPress version 3.0+
- RSS, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr subscription
- Google Analytics code integration
- Built-in Page Navigation
- Advertisement Blocks Ready
- Gravatar Enabled