x10hosting now deletes files 10 MiB (or larger) in size - that have been on the server (in any folder) for more than about 4 hours - from non-upgraded free-hosting accounts only
the 4 hours time limit allows users to upload and extract site backups - and is not for short term file hosting...
you can store files that are 10 MiB or larger - at a file-hosting service (which x10hosting free-hosting is not) then link to them from your free-hosting Web page
see --> 'Terms of Service' (TOS) at [ File Storage ] --> [
https://x10hosting.com/legal/terms-of-service ]
for new x10hosting's free-hosting accounts - disk space is initially limited at 512 MB - Users may request (in this forum) for unmetered (not unlimited) disk space
The requirements for unmetered disk space are:
* The account has been active for at least 7 days.
* The account must be using at least half (50%) of it's current disk space allotment.
* The account must have a valid (i.e. working) website and follows the Terms of Service (TOS).
before x10hosting's Admins will upgrade your account
this upgrade is completely free