hello everyone,
hello everyone.
Since five day, I have some connection problems on my ftp account. there is an explanation?
Here is what is displayed :
Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de ftp.uconcept.pcriot.com
Statut : Connexion à **.***.***.***:21... (ip address hide)
Statut : Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil...
Réponse : 421 75 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry
hello everyone.
Since five day, I have some connection problems on my ftp account. there is an explanation?
Here is what is displayed :
Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de ftp.uconcept.pcriot.com
Statut : Connexion à **.***.***.***:21... (ip address hide)
Statut : Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil...
Réponse : 421 75 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry