Are you putting your files inside the /public_html folder on your site? Any files that you want to show up on your site need to be inside /public_html. (On other hosts, this folder could also be named /htdocs or /www) Also, your home page should be named index.html or index.php.
What file extensions do your files currently have? If they are web pages, they should probably have a .htm, .html, or .php extension. .htm and .html mean the same thing, so if all your files are .htm, there is no need to change them to .html.
Also, this probably sounds silly, but make sure your files are actually on the server. Assuming that you are hosted here or somewhere else with cPanel, go to your cPanel page and click on the file manager link. Make sure the files you want on your site are in the /public_html folder. If they aren't you may have loaded the files into your FTP client, but not transferred them.