Ok guy's we need to really think about this. Firstly as has been said time and time and time again, Corey isn't making money off this, in fact if you search the forums (which you should be doing anyway) you would know that Corey only started to break even not that long ago. Before that he was loosing money attempting this and I for one an quite happy with the service I am receiving. Also as Meerkat Mistress pointed out the topic of if you don't visit the forums in two weeks your account gets suspended has been discussed at length, and from every conceivable view point by not only everyone on these forums that choose to have a winge about a free service but also by Corey and the other staff. For those people who choose just to make a new post for the hell of it instead of checking to see if the topic has already been addressed, the two week rule was made because important information about the service, like uptime and upgrades of the various servers, which is the biggest issue that has been raised in this topic, is posted in the forums, as well as the fact that the forums are meant as a community to assist other members of x10. I for one am really getting tired of hearing people bashing Corey and the other staff, the do a remarkable job given their limited resources. If they ran a multi-million dollar web hosting company and charged you a few hundred dollars a year (which is the average) then you may have a right to complain about the service being down, but they don't have that capability so don't ***** and moan about it unless your willing to do something. If you have a few thousand dollars spare go out, buy yourself a server, fixed ip address, high speed internet connection, and a domain name and host your own damn server.
PS: This rant is not for anyone who does the right thing on this site. I know that there are a great many people on these forums who support Corey and the job he is doing with the servers.