What happened to my button, LOL
Chris73, I finished your banner.
Do you like this?:
I think the design style fits a gaming site.
Tell me if you want it and I'll take the PREVIEW off.
And chougard, I'll work on it, but the monitor might be too small, but I'll try.
Okay, I finished the button chougard, here it is:
And I mean I've been gone all day so I don't know how many hours you have been waiting for the banner, lol.
Okay, you've scammed me into your little board again. ;P
While a userbar in my signature is great, it's not flashy enough for my tastes. xD
Type of Graphic: Two Signatures
Size: Eh... Let's go 500x80 and 500x100 pixels
Colors: Red/Orange
Style: Yeah, still pretending.
Text: Nothing Of Particular Interest. If that's too long, just use a big NOPI.
Image/logo: http://nopi.exofire.net/images/evil.png
i emailed you a request for the type of banner i need.
will send you the credits as soon as i get the banner.