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Please use a link with a warning for 56K users
o x10Hosting staff members' decisions, when acting as a whole are, are final
If you feel you have been acted unfairly against, you are entitled to appeal to another moderator for a second opinion
o This forum, as well as hosting services, are provided "as is" and may be withdrawn or discontinued at any time without notice.
o Promotion of software & music piracy and any other illegal activity is strictly prohibited.
o Referal links are OK as long as a non-referal link is provided.
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o You may not post anything purposely designed to intimidate or insult a particular forum member.
If you must, criticise constructively.
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Race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, belief, religion, nationality
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* No Spamming
o Do not deliberately repeat-post, repeat-email or repeat-PM. One message should be sufficient to communicate your message.
This is especially true for communication with x10 staff members.
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Posts which do not require an intelligent reponse belong in the spam and testing forum.
o No useless posts except in the off-topic forum.
(eg "I agree." without a reason)
o Do not copy and paste large sections of text. Try to use important quotes only.
Please don't copy entire reviews, articles and tutorials when a simple link will suffice.
o Do not overuse smilies.
They are there to convey emotions, not annoy people.