The website is *very* amaeteur. The whole "What is your name?" javascript was one of the first things we covered in school when I was 13. Remove it, it's incredibly unprofessional.
The layout is dire. The whole website is Web 0.5. Go to and read up on CSS.
I'd also recommend going out and doing some research over other graphical design websites. What do they do well? How do they do it? Do, and I really cannot emphasise this enough, do
NOT copy their source into your own website. Research, learn and implement it yourself.
The blog is painfully bolted on and only goes to highlight how poor your original site is.
Drop the "MAKE EXTRA MONEY" link. It's irrelevant, rubbish and makes your whole site stink of "Scam".
I know it's content and not really what you're looking to be reviewed, but your company motto is, frankly, rubbish. Isn't that what *every* single other business is trying to do? Your motto is meant to say why you are better than anyone else, not that you're just another company.
Can you put a sample pricelist up? Why should I email you when I can get quotes from other companies straight away?
In summary, I hope this was just a play site put up to practice HTML. You have a lot to learn about webdesign and development, but you're on the right track. As I said above, is a great place to learn the essentials of web design