some pictures are not showing up in my website. is it the file format of the pictures? the file format of the pictures are in .png. please help me. the link to my website is thanks in advance
some pictures are not showing up in my website. is it the file format of the pictures? the file format of the pictures are in .png. please help me. the link to my website is thanks in advance
Please can you show us what your code looks like, as picture format doesn't matter, it will be more than likely an error in your work. Please provide an example of the code that isn't working.
Your course menu's links appear to have a space before the section jump, e.g. course.html%20#crim . (%20 means space) - you don't want that as it breaks it.
Also, the link point needs moving up - if I go to #crim , the header is above the top of my browser window.
And finally - the "College of Arts and Sciences" header is partially obscured by the black-gradient bar underneath your navigation bar.