Yes, if you are new to websites then this simple method should help:
- Open up Notepad in windows
-Copy the HTML code as written by gomarc:
HTML Code:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh"
and paste it into Notepad (Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste), changing xxx to your domain.
Once you've done that, select File>Save As..., and in the file name type in index.html
In the file type drop-down, select All files.
Save the HTML file to a directory on your computer.
Then go to cPanel on your site, select Legacy File Manager, and then select the file on your computer that you want to upload. Make sure that you've selected the public_html directory, and that there aren't any other index.htm, .html or .php etc files in the directory.
Once you've selected upload, open a new tab and test that what you've just done works.
The site should momentarily display a white screen (the page you created), and then it should redirect to your forum directory as instructed in the HTML code previously.
I'm sorry if I've made the guide too simple, I don't know how much experience you have.
Hope this helps!