Hi all.. I am new to the community.. I need help with the website please..

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I am wondering if I will see my website..
Having uploaded the files (successfully completed and visible in public.htm in cpanel) I am only being showed an index page??
What's wrong, please?
The "hard to see" spaces in the url are definitely not visible to me, if they are present.
My "excitement" "bubble" factor is disappearing... looking forward to a timely response.
It is almost 22:30 your time...only 11:11 am my time...had a sleepless night to get this far... require some zzzzzzzzzzzzz soon.
Thank you.


x10 Flyer
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Hi tasbiz and welcome to x10hosting!

You need to create an index.html file (or PHP, and others). index.html will become your home page. Link to your other pages from there. Hope this helps.

If you want another page to be your home page, add an .htaccess (no file name with only a dot extension) file into public_html and add the following to it:

DirectoryIndex myhomepage.html

Change myhomepage.html to what you want your home page to be when users type your URL in without a file name.
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Community Support Team
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You need to create an index.html file (or PHP, and others). Index.html will become your home page. Link to your other pages from there.
I just want to add that you need to take care when naming your index.html or index.php file. Apache web servers are case sensitive and a common mistake is to name the file "Index.html" (upper case I) which will not work. Make sure you start this file name with lower case "i".
Good luck with your website.

Edit: @Techairlines: I was not trying to correct your comments. Just wanted to make sure this point was very clear for OP.
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-::-X10 Guru-::-
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@tasbiz:-What is your Domain Name ? Also your forum account doesnt seem to be linked with any hosting account.Please link from account panel http://x10hosting.com/control.To remain active its necessary
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:redface: thanks for jumping in there with such a quick response... I'm embarrassed to say, I haven't followed... (i am just a wee bit tired...) Did I do something incorrectly, when I uploaded the files... for the links to the homepage not to be working?

Would it be possible for me to be a pain and ask for a little bit more extended info on your help suggestions...

I want to see this up...so I'm going back over your comments now...see if I can work it out.

Thank you

PS Domain as is (copied & pasted) from my account info: mirror.x10hosting.com

PPS Yes! There is a link problem between the hosting account and forum... not sure what I did incorrectly there... being trying to rectify, however I have been unable to locate a confirmation code (from an email?) and the location where I need to paste it (in the hosting account ?)..

Apologies...not really how I wanted to enter the forum... d'oh
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x10 Flyer
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What do you mean links to the homepage not to be working?

Suppose you made a webpage and named it profile.html. On the "index" page you are referring to, you would see a link to that page. However, the index page isn't a webpage. In order to make it a webpage, you need to create a file named index.html, which is just another page of your website.

If your website is tasbiz.x10hosting.com, then visiting that directly would load index.html rather than the index page.
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New Member
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Re: Hi all.. I am new to the community.. I need help with the cPanel please..

:redface: Hi Everyone...

This link has not logged me in...:(

I think it's only fair that I request support as I have exhausted the forum...

This search: "cPanel login issues" returned:

Use this link to login:

The url link I have been using, only has four different characters.

Either way, both are returning an error message...

I've lost count how many times I have updated my password... though the last attempt was useful because it was actually "successful" and let me know that my client, hosting and forumm passwords had all updated in synergy... which I've been wondering for hours if that was why I was having so much trouble.

Still, unable to login into cPanel... haven't been able to do anything with my website for many, many hours...though I am pleased to say the whole box and dice of other issues seem resolved.

Still again, I still have to deal with the issues I'm facing with my website when I finally do login...

Geeze... been awake, straight 48 hours now... during that time I have lost, conservatively speaking 14 hours of sleep and have worked consistently for 34 hours... having not left my pc for more than a few minutes at a time... I'm starving hungry, extremely tired, my fingers don't want to type anymore and delirium is starting to set in...

This isn't rocket science people... I know it's "free" and all that... but I did my hosting homework... and there was no good reason to spend $$$$...

Please fix the CPANEL.


PS: Is it really necessary to use such "harsh" "speak" in the forum... and that' all I have to say about that... didn't come this far to be knocked off at this point.

PPS: Anyway have any history on how to solve the CPanel login issues, love to hear it.

PPPS: Hopefully, there will be an answer before I have time to drown the black coffee, that's keeping my head up at this minute... if not... than I really do hope I have no more login problems when I return.

Cheers and goodnight for now... impossible to do anymore at this point (made some progress with "WP") though, so that was good. :biggrin:

PPPPS: Any suggestions on the etiquette for posting, would be appreciated... I'm not certain, if I am suppose to keep the thread going (by replying) when there has been a response previously... or post new... having a little bit of trouble with the thread links... so I've attempted to keep them together :confused:


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Since your situation isn't resolved, I'll now escalate your thread. Just click at the yellow bar at the top to enter the second tier portion of this support ticket.
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