Hey anyone know whats making stoli have such a high CPU load tonoght?.. Did x10 change something?.. maybe doing upgrade? iTs been like this several hours around 30 - 40% Used.
Hey anyone know whats making stoli have such a high CPU load tonoght?.. Did x10 change something?.. maybe doing upgrade? iTs been like this several hours around 30 - 40% Used.
yeah Im just noticing a least about 2 seconds to access PHP using wemail app. httpd is slow sometime but not as bad as php. why is that.. php more intence on the CPU?
Well anyway I just was enjoying the very low CPU usage.. servers runs great at night most of the time its less then 6. so I didn't know if something was wigging out could cause a outage. Thought I would pop up a mesg about this before it gets worse..
Current Load Afg on Stoli is 29.85 (4 cpus)
It seems like the server load has gone down again. The issue was temporary - the server load on Lotus as of right now is 6.05. Now that the original problem is resolved, I am going to close this thread. If you need more help or have any additional questions, feel free to open a new support request.