Figures you deleted my hosting account for inactivity.
Thanks, the annoyance was just what I needed today.
An email would have been nice, just a suggestion. "You're hosting account will expire in 7 days."
That wouldn't be so hard would it?
I suppose I am going to have to create a new hosting account? I'm never going to get that data back so would you like to create my site again?
Really appreciate the heads up, so for that I say thanks. It's always nice to know just how much you care X10.
Is there anything you can do to get my data back, or re-open my account?
If not then you might as well close my account so I can move to another host.
What ever happened to the ticket system?
Thanks, the annoyance was just what I needed today.
An email would have been nice, just a suggestion. "You're hosting account will expire in 7 days."
That wouldn't be so hard would it?
I suppose I am going to have to create a new hosting account? I'm never going to get that data back so would you like to create my site again?
Really appreciate the heads up, so for that I say thanks. It's always nice to know just how much you care X10.
Is there anything you can do to get my data back, or re-open my account?
If not then you might as well close my account so I can move to another host.
What ever happened to the ticket system?