I wanna find out how I can do it
for a start see --> [
http://www.frihost.com/forums/vt-104669.html ]
Re: How to change or add your own error pages?
The way I do it
1. Create a subdirectory in folder [ public_html ] to house the pages - I named it 'errors' - to keep them out of the way
2. Create a custom error page(s) in that directory - I usually name them like [ error404.html ] - named for the error code
3. Go to folder [ public_html ] and open (or create) file [ .htaccess ] to edit (there is a dot in front of that name)
4. Add lines (one for each error page you make):
ErrorDocument 403 /errors/error403.html
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/error404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /errors/error500.html
Save the file
5. Try to access a nonexistent file to test
while you can use cPanel to setup your error pages on a x10hosting's free-hosting account - if the server is setup for it - I would not count on it