Okay this might work and it might not for you. But here's a way to add a php header to ALL files in the directory
Add this in the .htaccess file of the directory
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
php_value auto_prepend_file overall_header.php
php_value auto_append_file overall_footer.php
This code, tells Apache to automatically run the overall_header.php before the requested php file and to run the file overall_footer.php after the conclusion of the requested file.
It’s a powerful way to create common headers and footers to pages or files, but be aware that it comes at a cost,
Then create a new file called overall_header.php and put the following text in it:
function callback($buffer)
$adtext = <<<EOF
$x = (str_replace("<body>", $adtext, $buffer));
return $x;
You probably want to change the body text to whatever tag you want the ads to show under, that's just an example.
Finally you need to flush the file, so make a new file called overall_footer.php and put this inside
Final notes: The handler MAY be different according to which version of PHP you have. I haven't logged into my x10 account for awhile so I forgot the handler name but you can find it in cPanel.