sNews 1.7 can be installed in 3 simple steps:
1. Setup the Database
Most hosts have a utility that allows you to populate your database.
Create the MySQL database tables with the following code:
[If you are going to use a prefix on your tables, now is the time to put it in place. eg, CREATE TABLE snews_articles ( ]
CREATE TABLE `articles` (
`id` int(11) primary key auto_increment,
`title` varchar(100) default NULL,
`seftitle` varchar(100) default NULL,
`text` longtext,
`date` datetime default NULL,
`category` int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
`position` int(6) default NULL,
`extraid` varchar(8) default NULL,
`page_extra` varchar(8) default NULL,
`displaytitle` char(3) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`displayinfo` char(3) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`commentable` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
`published` int(3) NOT NULL default '1',
`description_meta` varchar(255) default NULL,
`keywords_meta` varchar(255) default NULL,
`show_on_home` enum('YES','NO') default 'YES',
`show_in_subcats` enum('YES','NO') default 'NO',
`artorder` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`visible` varchar(6) default 'YES',
`default_page` varchar(6) default 'NO'
(1, 'Welcome to sNews 1.7', 'welcome-to-snews-17', '
If you're seeing this article, you have installed sNews 1.7 and are connected to the database.
It is strongly suggested that you login right away, the default username and password is "test" and "test", then go to the page "settings". At the bottom of that page you'll find "Change Username and Password". Do it and make the password hard to guess.
After doing that, feel free to delete this article & start building your site.
If you stumble along the way, check the Troubleshooting and FAQ page. If you're still having trouble search the sNews CMS Forum before posting your question, it may already be answered. Still lost? We'll be there to assist you in any way we can.
Thank you for choosing sNews. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
', NOW(), 1, 1, '', '', 'YES', 'YES', 'NO', 1, '', '', 'YES', 'NO', '1', 'YES', 'NO');
CREATE TABLE `extras` (
`id` int(8) primary key auto_increment,
`name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
`seftitle` varchar(100) default NULL,
`description` varchar(100) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `extras` VALUES (1, 'Extra', 'extra', 'The default extra');
CREATE TABLE `categories` (
`id` int(8) primary key auto_increment,
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`seftitle` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`published` varchar(4) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`catorder` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`subcat` int(8) NOT NULL default '0'
INSERT INTO `categories` VALUES ('1', 'Uncategorized', 'uncategorized', '', 'YES', '1', '0');
CREATE TABLE `comments` (
`id` int(11) primary key auto_increment,
`articleid` int(11) default '0',
`name` varchar(50),
`url` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`comment` text,
`time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`approved` varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'True'
CREATE TABLE `settings` (
`id` int(8) primary key auto_increment,
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(255) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (1, 'website_title', 'sNews 1.7');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (2, 'home_sef', 'home');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (3, 'website_description', 'sNews CMS');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (4, 'website_keywords', 'new, site, snews');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (5, 'website_email', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (6, 'contact_subject', 'Contact Form');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (7, 'language', 'EN');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (8, 'charset', 'UTF-8');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (9, 'date_format', 'd.m.Y. H:i');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (10, 'article_limit', '3');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (11, 'rss_limit', '5');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (12, 'display_page', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (13, 'display_new_on_home', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (14, 'display_pagination', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (15, 'num_categories', 'on');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (16, 'show_cat_names', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (17, 'approve_comments', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (18, 'mail_on_comments', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (19, 'comment_repost_timer', '20');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (20, 'comments_order', 'ASC');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (21, 'comment_limit', '30');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (22, 'enable_comments', 'NO');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (23, 'freeze_comments', 'NO');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (24, 'word_filter_enable', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (25, 'word_filter_file', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (26, 'word_filter_change', '');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (27, 'username', '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (28, 'password', '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (29, 'enable_extras', 'NO');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (30, 'last_date', NOW());
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (31, 'file_extensions', 'phps,php,txt,inc,htm,html');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (32, 'allowed_files', 'php,htm,html,txt,inc,css,js,swf');
INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (33, 'allowed_images', 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png');
ALTER TABLE `articles` ADD INDEX ( `show_on_home` );
ALTER TABLE `comments` ADD INDEX ( `articleid` );
2. Edit Settings
Open the snews.php file with your preferred text editor and enter your settings at the top of the file:
MySQL Host - provided by hosting company, it is usually "localhost":
'dbhost' => 'localhost',
Database Name - created through phpmyadmin or similar database editor:
'dbname' => 'snews17',
Database Username - created through phpmyadmin or similar database editor:
'dbuname' => 'root',
Database password - created through phpmyadmin or similar database editor:
'dbpass' => 'password',
Database Table prefix - A prefix is added to the names of all sNews tables in your database if those tables are being placed within a database where they need to be uniquely named so as not to conflict with other tables in the database. You would add your prefix to the table-names in the SQL script (above). Using snews_ as an example, the articles table name (and its associated data insert string(s) would be prefixed to be snews_articles, and the prefix value here would also have an underscore (example: 'snews_') created through phpmyadmin or a similar database editor, used usually when a hosting company provides only one database:
'prefix' => 'snews_'
3. Upload Files
Copy all the files from sNews 1.7 package to your server and CHMOD 777 the folder where you will upload your images (eg. img).
You're Done!
The default username is test and password is test. remember to change these when you first login!
Login to start adding content and managing your new sNews CMS powered website!
Should you experience any issues installing sNews, please take a moment to view the Help Section. If you cannot find the information you require, visit the sNews Forums where the sNews crew will be able to offer their assistance.
Have fun!