I got blocked due to Multiple Accounts, but I only have one and only account. Please unblock.


New Member
Reaction score

Multiple Accounts​

More than one account was detected as belonging to the same person. There is a strict limit of one account per person. You can request your account be released at https://community.x10hosting.com/threads/multi-account-unblock-requests.209963/.

All issues that are listed above must be resolved before this error will clear including waiting 24 hours for temporary blocks to expire. Requests to clear blocks before the temporary 24 hour expiration or the rule violation is corrected will not be processed. If you believe this error is incorrect, you can request a review on Discord or the Community Forum. Your error code is EED5E9EE9BA3134AC.


What is this x10? I only have one and only account, and you blocked it. Now how can I do my school assignment in here? Please unblock me!!!
You said I can request to unblock in the community forum, but you locked the thread.
Reached out to Discord and you just ignored my messages.
I cannot imagine how you serve to those paid customers........ Must be suck......

account email: muaz.haqim@iziizz.slmail.me


New Member
Reaction score

Multiple Accounts​

More than one account was detected as belonging to the same person. There is a strict limit of one account per person. You can request your account be released at https://community.x10hosting.com/threads/multi-account-unblock-requests.209963/.

All issues that are listed above must be resolved before this error will clear including waiting 24 hours for temporary blocks to expire. Requests to clear blocks before the temporary 24 hour expiration or the rule violation is corrected will not be processed. If you believe this error is incorrect, you can request a review on Discord or the Community Forum. Your error code is EED5E9EE9BA3134AC.


What is this x10? I only have one and only account, and you blocked it. Now how can I do my school assignment in here? Please unblock me!!!
You said I can request to unblock in the community forum, but you locked the thread.
Reached out to Discord and you just ignored my messages.
I cannot imagine how you serve to those paid customers........
account email: alexandrecamilloto@gmail.com


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