10BG == 10240MB == 10485760KB == 10737418240 Bytes
My site is about 140KB bytes total, with all the JavaScript and images
http://wordpress.org/ = 78KB
http://en.blog.wordpress.com/ = 192KB
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/ = 2400KB
http://www.fox.com/ = 1170KB
now these are all rough, and don't represent well, but i'm gonna use them to average anyways. Average webpage is 750KB
now heres a difference
10gb or 10GB
10gb = 1.25 GB = 1310720 KB / 750 = 1747 pagehits
10GB = 10485760 KB / 750 = 13976 pagehits
This assumes the client redownloads everything every time it loads a page, which usually isn't the case. So lets say each page is 25kb in size, and there are 40kb worth of new images on each page.
1310720 / 65 = 20165
10485760 / 65 = 161319
Now assuming there are no new images(like a blog)
1310720 / 25 = 52428
10485760 / 25 = 419430
So anywhere between 1,700 hits and 400,000 hits.
every kb counts