I need help! DNS issues


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Hi everybody

Some days ago I puchased a VPS plan here (with managed cPanel / WHM). I created an account on WHM to upload a website.

Initially I modified my domain registrar DNS to route to the assigned IP, and I put as servername: ns1.x10hosting.com and ns2.x10hosting.com, the thing is: some hours passed and nothing happened (the site wasn't opening because of "cannot resolve DNS". I saw on my WHM taht you can configure the Nameservers... (in the option Nameservers IP), so I put on there ns1.shikon.cl and the assigned IP, then I modify the domain registrar DNS and I put ns1.shikon.cl and the IP.
Then, after some hours, the site can resolve the address and I can acces normally.

But approximately one hour ago, I received this email message:
"nameserver failed @ Thu Jan 21 22:53:54 2010. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [check command]

Cmd Service Check Raw Output: Fixed ownership on /etc/named.conf
Fixed ownership on /etc/rndc.key
Fixed ownership on /etc/rndc.conf"

I tried to enter the site, and I can't because it can't resolve the DNS. The site is www.shikon.cl and the IP is How do I have to configure the DNS on the domain name registrar and in the server?

Thanks in advance!

PS: On VPS control panel there is two IPs: "Resolv Entries", what that it means?


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Thanks! I sent a ticket anyway.

Some puntual questions (I still have the problem):
- What was the meaning of the email message?
- What nameservers do I have to put on where I registered my domain? And which IP?

I'm somewhat frustrated, because in the morning the site worked flawlessly, and now I can't enter.

(another weird thing, if I enter the site with a proxy web, I can enter).

EDIT: Well, it seems that I will have to wait after the DNS propgates. But I don'yt unserstand why the site worked well and then stopped working.
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