I still can't get into my cPanel after 3 month/:

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My Site has been down for about 3 month now.

An Employee said that it was fixed and to follow the steps he told me. I still have no access to the cPanel on the Level server.

I would like it if you guys could send me a zip of all my site files so I can either make a new account on here and try again or go to a new host. I would also like a file of my databases so I don't have to start them new.

Please send all these files to my e-mail on this account. I hope you guys will do this for me, this is the least you guys could do after 2 month of failure.

Because of this, I have almost completely given up programming because I had nothing to code.

I need this.

Shawn Holman.

PS. I have tried resetting my password but that doesn't work either. There is something seriously wrong with me account that I just want fixed and I have been constantly trying for 3 month!.
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