If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads !!!

which publisher account you use ?

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Hello friends ,
i just want to warm u about chitika may be i am wrong ,but its all happend with me,so i wanna tell every1 before they suffer like me,

i have a blog named http//:agreal.webnode.com
its all about some of my game pic,a bit game help for newbies,some computer notes etc

i applied in chitka.com as a publisher account at 26th January 2011,n i got approval as silver tier ads (they have 3 category bronze ,silver , gold)

there minimum payment is 10$ by pay-pal,

i placed ads on my website they started showing up ,things were working good but very slow
1st 30 days it made like 3.xx$
so u can see how slow it was

well i had no worry caz i was not wasting any money on it,

after march means after 90 days the amount reached to 9.56$,i was damn happy xDDD caz i was feeling like next month i will get 10$ n dreaming to buy a domian for my lil blog

sadly when i checked after April the amount was same ,a bit sad but i thought may be no ads came up so no earning,(120 days)

same happened in may ,(150 days)

same in July (180 days)

same in august (210days) ,

then i thought in 3 month i reach to 9.56 $ ,n next 4 mounth how come my website couldnt make just .45$ even

i asked to my friend could he visit my website n see if ads not coming (caz u cant visit ur website by ur ip adress as chitika rules or u may not click on ads,if u did u will be ban),

then i mailed to chitka support to ask y this happening ,
they said tat my account is blocked caz i did not fallowed rules....

here are whole conversesion bitween me n there support ......

SEP 11, 2011 | 02:55PM EDT
Original message

i am a old user of chitika since January ,
as my friends reported and i checked that no ads of chitika are displaying since 3 months on my website,before it there were ads coming
i didn't, reported it yet cause i was thinking may be the search things is not working with it and i should wait. i changed my ads zone and all codes even but they still not working

before june ads were coming.after that time there r no ads,kindly help me with this issue

thank you

SEP 12, 2011 | 01:22PM EDT

The reason that you cannot see the ads on your site is because your account has been deactivated.

We sent you an email on April 26th, 2011 to inform you the reason(s) for this deactivation is either because a traffic analysis for your account highlighted significant invalid click activity or your domain infringed upon one or more of our website restrictions such as:

Pornography, adult, or mature content
Hacking/cracking content
Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
Paid Traffic

To view our restrictions list in its entirely, please see Chitika's Terms and Conditions at http://chitika.com/mm_terms.php for more detailed information regarding website restrictions.

We are no longer able to support your account as our merchant partners are not willing to pay for the traffic coming from your account


SEP 13, 2011 | 02:30AM EDT
it might be a fault because there are none of these activity is added
on my website

Pornography, adult, or mature content
> Hacking/cracking content
> Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
> Paid Traffic

there are nothing such content,it a simple website having some student
notes,game tips ,games pic n some gave videos,
and if there was invalid click activity then i would get atleast my
1st payment in so big time,

anyways if it is deactivated how i can reactivate it,or i cant reactivate it?

thank you


SEP 13, 2011 | 02:14PM EDT
Once an account is deactivated it cannot be reactivated.


u got all things here,
guys, i have done masters in computer application + MCSD certification in Microsoft + sun java certification,so u can say that i have knowledge about internet atleast lol

i know it lol that if u scam u will be caught in few days ,internet system is not that much slow to track lol.
and if i was scamming how come they caught me after 9 months lol

caz no one will care for a 10$ amount, and that small amount make lots if they r much in numbers ( 100 ppl haveing 10$ == 1000$ )

and just tell me if u will make a blog or website how come u will stop to visit it urself (caz u need to visit ur website for modifying it ) and how come your will not share it to your friends and how come they will not visit your website.

finely i got it the main reason to ban me or small user like me is " dont let them to reach payment amount ..

so beware everyone !!
here is a screen of my chitika balance


now i will only say you may be i am wrong ,but just think how you will feel if you would at my place.

sorry if there any English mistakes caz i am from India ,

thanks for giving time to this post ,i will wait for each reply or comment



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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Sorry for your trouble, I can see why it might keep you up at night; but this is between you and them. Sometimes, you have to solve your own problems, partner.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i can use this chitka for my website ?8)8)8)


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Sorry for your trouble, I can see why it might keep you up at night; but this is between you and them. Sometimes, you have to solve your own problems, partner.

so true but ,but i dont want same thing happen to any next person like meh


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Which is more good than Chitka


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

google adsense is better. at least they don't cheat like chitaka. chitaka is a cheater. they don't want to pay small websites. and to forbid the owner from visiting his own website is a damn hilarious tos. i am feeling pity for chitaka. they could not even make sufficient money to pay their customers.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads


I agree, sure wouldn't want anything like that to happen.


Grim Squeaker
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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

1. Did you ask them for a cash out? Yes, I know that they have a $10 minimum, but if you pointed out that they kept you from reaching the minimum, they should pay out your balance.

2. They said you were sent an email notification about the termination. Did you get it?

3. You replied that you did not have prohibited content. But that was only one possible reason. Were you having friends (or did they do so on their own) visit your site and click on the ads?

4. I don't see anything in the TOS about not visiting your own site. If it is a pay per click system, visiting would not matter. If it is a pay per view, then they have a right to keep you from excessively visiting you own site to generate revenue.

5. The assertion that they are not making enough to pay their members is ridiculous.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Which is more good than Chitka

idk atm but as i notic
if u want google with ur free website, you need fully damn updated 6 month old
clicksor is good also but there rate is very low
but they hav awesome ads types which make ur user forced click them
n even if they dun click on ur website ads n vist only ,still u make some $


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Re: @ descalzo post

1. Did you ask them for a cash out? Yes, I know that they have a $10 minimum, but if you pointed out that they kept you from reaching the minimum, they should pay out your balance.

2. They said you were sent an email notification about the termination. Did you get it?

3. You replied that you did not have prohibited content. But that was only one possible reason. Were you having friends (or did they do so on their own) visit your site and click on the ads?

4. I don't see anything in the TOS about not visiting your own site. If it is a pay per click system, visiting would not matter. If it is a pay per view, then they have a right to keep you from excessively visiting you own site to generate revenue.

5. The assertion that they are not making enough to pay their members is ridiculous.


here are your answers

1.there is no option to ask for payment if ur balance is bellow 10$,i asked support about it,but i will ask again as u said (thanks for this idea)

2.i had no email of that even till yet,after their support said it i checked my mails many time xDD

3.let me tell u. chitika ads only show up when your website come by search engine (keyword based system), eg. if you google any thing related to website then only you can see ads, and at am ip adress its not written that the ip belong to my friend or me,i want to say that if you have a website, obsessively your friend will visit it but they will be a user for your website not your friend.and by putting website direct to address bar no ads will generate.

4.yeh but regarding to their support i was found clicking my website ads,how come i will do it when i know i may get bann ?,and if i will do it surly i will not do it with my computer and my internet connection, and at that place i will not even log my publisher account as well.

5.its all do ,at beginning when a company come to market it give lot of things to user,
and when they get a bit reputation they start looting people

what we can do nothing just forget everything

ohhhh yeh 1 thing if they block my account how come they going to make my website aproved for gold tier ads ????


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Because you're their 'golden' customer and deserve special treatment lol! :wink:


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

I have signed up for chitaka ads. I think I will reach the minimum payout in just one month. I have more than 800 daily unique visitors from Google and other search engines. Let see, if they really cheat or they pay.

BTW, i am now waiting for them to approve my website.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

^^ This might clear things out. thanks ChatIndia.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

I have signed up for chitaka ads. I think I will reach the minimum payout in just one month. I have more than 800 daily unique visitors from Google and other search engines. Let see, if they really cheat or they pay.

BTW, i am now waiting for them to approve my website.

yeh please post when you get your 1st payment, best of luck


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Update: chitaka application approved for their silver level ads.


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

Alas, no special 'golden' treatment. Be careful they don't serve your wallet up on a silver platter though! :p


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Re: If you dont have a main domain like .com,.co, .in plz do not join chitika for ads

I have signed up for chitaka ads. I think I will reach the minimum payout in just one month. I have more than 800 daily unique visitors from Google and other search engines. Let see, if they really cheat or they pay.

BTW, i am now waiting for them to approve my website.

chatindia did u recived any payment from chitika yet ,it already more than 2 months passed,please give us report .