I use Dreamweaver but I 100% write ALL my code using no shortcuts or help that Dreamweaver has except the Aswome-iffic coloured syntax
The game is currently running off my XAMPP Testing server on my shiny new-ish compy *hugs computer*
The secret about the teams is going to be revealed when I open the game early next year (ill keep you informed on release dates)
Its a browser game like Kings of Chaos or OGame. But after a month or so I may release the source code...or bits of it...to willing developers to have a look at. Ive mainly looked at the IPB forum system (cause i mod a forum,
www.martin2k.co.uk/forums [I am the Admin: Ecky]) and see how its bsically done with ?act=page stuff and session management. I have really gone into the PHP depths to make sure the game runs smoothly and 'hack free'.
Thanks for all the good comments...its motivated me heaps. The only thing is im coming up with too many ideas and its slowing me down xD
But ill get a Beta up and going on some free hosting from here i guess. Ill eventually have to get my own server and all if it gets too outta hand
Also im adding in Premium (Paid) memberships. Basically free members can do alota stuff but have limited amounts of choosable/buyable units.
Premium, however has loads more units to buy and it will be updated when I think of any new ones, basically NO LIMITS
The price im sorta deciding on is mabye around the ~$2US per month or ~$15US per year, obviously a 'up front' yearly payment is a better option for members cause u get a discount.
Also im developing the idea of 'AI' type players that randomly attack users on a cron schedule. This is still in planning but would be an awsome addition to keep the game interesting.
Heh...and to think I only started PHP in December last year xD Doesnt take long to master
Well theres my long post for the day

Enjoy x10ers