I'm not new here, but... (Keep Reading!)


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I'm not new here. As a matter of fact, I have an X10Premium account (FDUnltdCo [dot] X10 [dot] MX which currently redirects to WWW5 [dot] Budgetblack [dot] COM), but I am looking to switch around my new (Ashkaeleon [dot] X10 [dot] MX - it is currently empty so don't navigate there...) X10Hosting account to be my singular default X10Premium account, and switch out my old XPrem account and toss that sucker in the trash.

I started using Premium when I was running a business, known as "Fighters Day Unlimited Co.", but lately I've been falling behind on cash flow (i.e. no cash flow to speak of) so I had to dissolve the firm.

Now I am needing a new hosting account + forum username, so I decided, hey, why not get a totally new X10 Hosting account, switch out the old X10 Premium account, and switch IN the new X10 Hoster to be an X10 Prem account?

If this sounds confusing, you're not alone. I'm just as confused as you are; the only difference is that I know what I am doing, but only subconsciously. I am fully aware of my intent, however, and I give X10 Hosting Inc the authorization & all consent needed to handle (i.e. pull off) the necessary operations.

Thanks for reading.

By the way, my name is Nathan Zhang, I'm a storyteller & filmmaker from Detroit Metro, Michigan, (Detroit Metro is not a city but a region) - am I am glad to have met you!

Be mew, don't be mean, and have a nice day / night!