That's not a safe assumption - there may be divs underlying everything, but a lot of people use WYSIWYG site generators, CMSs, and the like, where the changes they make are settings in a panel rather than CSS
as such. Even with plain old HTML and CSS, though, you don't need to go the the trouble of creating a three-column layout, since something like this will do the trick:
html {font-size: 1em; background-color: red;}
body {max-width: 50rem; margin: 0 auto; background-color: white;}
That constrains the width of the main display area (for readability, let's say) so that if the screen gets wider than a certain value, it stops growing at some point; it keeps the main area horizontally centred with a white background, and adds red to the sides and bottom when there's extra screen space to fill. You can also use box-sizing: border-box and solid left and right borders to ensure that there is always some of the desired background visible no matter what the screen size.