"Intro to Me," by M. E. Ripple

rebecca ripple

New Member
Reaction score

I'm a 23-year-old programmer in training, currently living in a rooming-house, and here's hoping I get to move into an apartment soon. It's all an ongoing process, and it's certainly progressing as far as I can tell. :)

I've been hosted at MudMagic for a while, but I felt it would be strange to keep my site there much longer, since I'm no longer running a MUD, just a site. So I looked on free-webhosts.com for a good host to try out, and make sure I'd pick a good, reliable, honest, friendly host. When I saw x10Hosting's score, 124/125, I nearly keeled over from the pleasant surprise!

I hope I'll like it here as much as others seem to! Meanwhile, how are you all doing?


PS: If there are any fellow Harry Potter fans out there, give me a shout! You know I'll shout back!
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