Is Candy Floss man's greatest achievement?


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Hey zen-r,

Sorry to break the bad news [not] but Superfloss has just been awarded the Prix Goncourt for supreme creativity, and 5 Michelin Stars, thus displacing Poire Helene from the top spot.

That was a cheep shot about Open Source, as the chicken remarked to the fox.

Much like Superfloss, I tried to sell my opened ketchup bottle yesterday. I wasn't allowed though, because apparently it's Open Sauce.

Hey guys, take the Superfloss versus Salty Floss™ taste challenge today. In tests, 8 out of 10 cats said they preferred Salty Floss™.

Salty Floss™ is soon to launch in the United States. Look out for it on the shelves. Rebranded there as Cotton Salty™, it will be almost the same as the European version, except it will contain 110% fat.

STOP PRESS: Salty Floss™ has just been awarded 6 Michelin Stars, thus displacing Superfloss from the top spot.

"Mmm, that chicken tasted good" said the fox. ;)

I love candy floss. There's a man everyday selling candy floss for only rs. 5 outside my school after home time, i always buy one.

Sounds like a prime location for a new Salty Floss™ stall !

:cool: Buy new Salty Floss™ today. Now 38.5% better than SuperFloss, and rising daily! :cool:
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