Is space real? + A little A.51


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I posted about this in another Crossfire topic, but wanted this to be a enw Topic to keep the other from getting offtopic.

So to the topic. Is Space Really Real??

I have no proof to say it's fake, I doubt just about nobody does.

So why is this topic so fun to talk about?

Well, think about this huge thing called earth, floating. In the middle of nothing but a bunch of rocks floating around chilling. The big bang theory, well, wtf, how did that thing happen?

People have thought space is fake since when Apollo landed on the moon. The flag in pictures and video clips taken was "waving" in a place that is considered, a big nothing.

Looking at the sky and watching the stars has been a big thing to many people, and have inspired people in groups like NASA to want to go to space.

So what if it was fake? Who cares, that means nothing.. right?

Not really. Where did the people who supposedly died from the expeditions? Hmm.. ask the government.

And Area 51, what the freaking freaking freak. Shame on the government to have such a "BIG SECRET" to us, who support them. And about supposedly the government being able to kill people who have seen Area 51 on accident, or maybe on purpose. That to me sounds like big bull.

Oh well. I will be looking forward to reading each and every one of your posts here.

See you around!


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yeah i think ur was a flag"waving" in a gaint vaccuum? there is no air in space.... therefore there can be no wind....also wind is caused by the uneven heating of a i dont think that it would work

Spartan Erik

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haha oh jeez

space exists, big bang created us, we evolved

why would scientists lie?
it sure is a better explanation than religion gives pffh


The Flag the landed on the moon was designed to look like it was waving wires were behind the flag. My Dad's friend works for Nasa it's in their archive.

I'm the space dude remember?
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sentient1080 said:
haha oh jeez

space exists, big bang created us, we evolved

why would scientists lie?
it sure is a better explanation than religion gives pffh

I totally agree on that, but to me, there's just something kinky.

And about temperature in space.

Space can't be nothing. If nothings there.. nothings gonna happen. There had to be something if there was a Big Bang.

NASA has even released data that the temperature of the "cosmic background radiation" has a temperature of 2.7279.

But then comes in this.

Source from [url said:]However[/url], if you put a physical object into space, it will reach a
temperature that depends on how efficiently it absorbs and emits
radiation and on what heating sources are nearby. For example, an
object that both absorbs and emits perfectly, put at the Earth's
distance from the Sun, will reach a temperature of about 280 K or 7 C.

7 Degrees C? That's almost warmer than the temperature right now right here.

I don't get it.. Why did they need huge suits?

The Moons and Mars' terrain just seems like another hollywood set.


Also zond a russian probe tooks photographs better than a US probe so its not a set.

Also, Gus Grissom who died during the Apollo Project has a grave

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Jordan K

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A. The suit keeps radiation from posioning them, it also protects their eyes from the sun (it's a few times worse than looking at the sun fron the surface of the earth, because there's no atmosphere to filter out the bad radiation).

B. It is unknown as to what would happen to your body if it was exposed to space without any protection, they haven't been able to test this, because obviously, by the time they could get into space. There is no such thing as forcing people to be test subjects anymore.

C. If you have ever noticed, space has no oxygen, lol. So I am pretty sure their air tight suits have an affect as to them living while they are doing something outside the craft or station.

D. Ever watch movies? Maybe because there is no gravity in space and you're most likely going to orbit around the nearest planet... Their suits have a cable that attaches to the ship/station to keep them in position, otherwise they could float off by accident, this is an extremely hard rescue mission should this happen to anyone.

E. If that article is correct, human bodies do not permit radiation perfectly, thus you may freeze or burn in space. Who knows, this hasn't been tested, so they don't know.

Find this post very useful and informational? THANKS ME!!! :hsdance:

Jordan K

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moose said:
I posted about this in another Crossfire topic, but wanted this to be a enw Topic to keep the other from getting offtopic.

So to the topic. Is Space Really Real??

I have no proof to say it's fake, I doubt just about nobody does.

So why is this topic so fun to talk about?

Well, think about this huge thing called earth, floating. In the middle of nothing but a bunch of rocks floating around chilling. The big bang theory, well, wtf, how did that thing happen?

People have thought space is fake since when Apollo landed on the moon. The flag in pictures and video clips taken was "waving" in a place that is considered, a big nothing.

Looking at the sky and watching the stars has been a big thing to many people, and have inspired people in groups like NASA to want to go to space.

So what if it was fake? Who cares, that means nothing.. right?

Not really. Where did the people who supposedly died from the expeditions? Hmm.. ask the government.

And Area 51, what the freaking freaking freak. Shame on the government to have such a "BIG SECRET" to us, who support them. And about supposedly the government being able to kill people who have seen Area 51 on accident, or maybe on purpose. That to me sounds like big bull.

Oh well. I will be looking forward to reading each and every one of your posts here.

See you around!

Almost forgot, Earth is a planet (not the only one of it's kind) floating with other planets around a big star (about 1.25 million times bigger than the earth). Obviously you may know this is called a solar system (and there may be more planets outside the asteroid belt). We do no know how big our solar system is. But we do know it isn't the only solar system in the universe, satellites can see pretty far in today's technology and they can expect there is atleast a million more solar systems near us. Each one may be different (or may be the same). Who knows, if this is true, there are other planets exactly like the earth, just far away enough from the sun to sustain life.

And for the Area 51 fact. Everyone that works there suddenly *disappears* after they retire. I wonder why. :hsdance: I believe they have weapons hidden there that can obliterate entire planets, but who knows. There are other worlds out there with intelligence greater than our own. I also believe that life from other planets have visited Earth in the past. Ever wonder why in religion, saints have halos around their heads? Could these be space helmets? We don't know, or do we?


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im a christian, so i dont believe in the Big Bang theory and such. Also, if the astronauts faked the moon landing then how did it SUDDENLY fall from the sky burning? was that fake too? Who knows.... :D

Spartan Erik

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thank you civilr for using basic logic!

humphrey said:
im a christian, so i dont believe in the Big Bang theory and such. Also, if the astronauts faked the moon landing then how did it SUDDENLY fall from the sky burning? was that fake too? Who knows.... :D

haha i know plenty of christians who believe in the big bang theory..
you all need to watch public television one day (PBS)
they have plenty of science related shows

scientists are getting closer and closer to figuring out how the big bang happened
they already proved what the big bang caused, how when the big bang occurred super heated electrons formed basic elements

ah science is spectacular
cant say the same for religion

Jordan K

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I heard somewhere that everytime we advance in historic research, we can look back an extra 100 years. One day, we'll be at the big bang theory. But not anytime soon, unless of course we make a time machine. :hsdance:


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Haha, but think about it. If we are ever to make a time machine in the future, wouldn't there have already been someone from the future visiting us? lol


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Ah, this is an amusing topic to discuss if there ever was any.
Here's a funny experiment by Scott Adams, which also demonstrates that the argument will NEVER come to an end:

sentient1080 said:
haha oh jeez

space exists, big bang created us, we evolved

why would scientists lie?
it sure is a better explanation than religion gives pffh
Or not, because in the end, scientists are asking me to believe in that "big bang", a phenomenon for which they don't have anything even resembling a rational explanation, let alone an answer to the question: "and what was there before your big bang?". The closest they have to an answer is a pretty cocky "it's so complicated you wouldn't understand it", which means I just have to take their word for good. Now, the "certainty of things you can't see" is the very definition of the word "faith", a little thing scientists love to mock and eliminated from their book from the get-go.

sentient1080 said:
you all need to watch public television one day (PBS)
they have plenty of science related shows
I've seen many a public-television-science-related-show deal with, say, computers and electronic gadgets and other stuff I know a thing or two about, and I've seen them regurgitating so much nonsensical crap, that I just have to wonder how trustworthy are the ones dealing with stuff I don't know about.

Again, read Mr. Adam's blog, he explains my point much better.

And it's a really funny reading too.
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I have a theory, time keeps repeating. What do we know? Let's think 100 years from the present day the world is in a Global Thermonuclear War, a young man invents a time machine goes back to when life on earth started then it keeps repeating.

Then think about this how did the first humans get here?


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DesertWar said:
Then think about this how did the first humans get here?

Well, to put it short, monkeys having sex over and over again.


That's all I can think of..


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Nice topic here firstly some one said a few posts back we don't knwo what would happen to a body left in space wihtout a suite on, the answer is explosive decompresion. The pressure of the air in our bodys explods outwards as there is nor outside pressure in space to counteract the pressure in the body.

Also Area 51 for years has bein classed as a UFO testing site, this is factualy true in the cold war it was used to test the SR71 Blackbird and then go on to spy on the russians along with the F117a Nighthawk and the B2 Northrop. The Americans used Area 51 because its in the middle of know where and has underground hangers where they can test there latest aircraft and military technology. A huge number of pictures comming from the nevada area there are ment to be "UFO's" can clearly how one of those aircraft.

And technicaly the earth isnt just surrounded by nothing its surronded by huge gravitiational fields holding all the planets in the solar system together. And theoreticaly there universe could be filled with dark matter that could help scientists develope the universal model and thus show how the universe was created.

No matter how you look at it being a creationist or an evolutionist this huge universe we live in is hugly complex and if anyof you guys have read Prof Stephan Hawkins books like the breif History of time or the unverse in a nut shell. Then you would get some what of a grasp on how complex life realy is. Now i dont beleive in religon for reasons im not going to bring up but i do belive in "GOD" i use the term god very loosly in a way of discribing an entitiy that helped place the universe in its current state.

The Big Bang theory can be cleaverly explained by a theory that states the big bang is the opposite of a black hole. Where in a black hole matter is curshed by huge gravity into nothing the black hole is nothing with huge amounts of matter bein ooured out. If the universe is realy slowing down in its expantion and one day starts to collapse in on its self then maybe the revolving theory that the universe expands and contracts for ever could be explained.

I hope that there is life after death just so that i can find the answer to these such questions.

Hope i didnt bore everyon



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Nice post, but the biggest thing I was trying to mention was.. how do we know?

I mean, yeah we are taught, but who knows if they are BSing all of us?

And Blackholes have not been officially found yet, they are just a guess that people have made. So if the big bang was an oppisite, maybe that never happened either.

It's truely amazing to think of how lucky EARTH was to be in such a perfect spot, perfect size for living things to exists. Just wonder if everything we're learning is real.

I would like to go to space to see if it's really real. Who knows.

I mean dude, how in heck did they get a satelite to transferr stuff from like.. 5 billion miles away (MARS)?

Jordan K

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I know this probably doesn't make sense that much anymore, but I am extremely tired, so bare with it and try your best to understand it. Thanks! Trust me it's good and worth the read, it brings a lot of things to our attention that I have noticed over the years and opens up a lot of questions far more interesting than the ones the "public" think are mysteries...

trev said:
Nice topic here firstly some one said a few posts back we don't knwo what would happen to a body left in space wihtout a suite on, the answer is explosive decompresion. The pressure of the air in our bodys explods outwards as there is nor outside pressure in space to counteract the pressure in the body.

This is unknown, it has not been tested. We do not know the effects of a human body being suitless in space. Just because this is explain but something on earth doesn't mean it will follow the same attribute for space.

trev said:
Also Area 51 for years has bein classed as a UFO testing site, this is factualy true in the cold war it was used to test the SR71 Blackbird and then go on to spy on the russians along with the F117a Nighthawk and the B2 Northrop. The Americans used Area 51 because its in the middle of know where and has underground hangers where they can test there latest aircraft and military technology. A huge number of pictures comming from the nevada area there are ment to be "UFO's" can clearly how one of those aircraft.

The americans didn't choose Area 51 because it was empty and "had" underground hangers, afterall... hangers don't magically form/build themselves underground. Do they?:hsdance: I believe there have been aleinoid objects crashing into our planet. North America is a big place, and I am pretty sure that if anything, there had to of been atleast one crash somewhere (maybe like Roswell?). The goverment would probably then secretly ship it to Area 51 to hide it and test it. (Afterall doesn't every country need a place where they can hide all their secret stuff?) Can you imagine how much money the states must spend to keep the secrets of Area 51... secret? I wonder why noone suspects the states of having nuclear weapons, it's not like a UN inspector got to check Area 51... Anyways, they have technology kept there until they need it most (eg. when world war 3 comes along, they probably have something stored that is capable of annhilating all the opposing nations).

Which brings me to my next mystery, the burmuda (or however you spell it) triangle... Have you ever watched those documentaries on it? You start to watch it, asking yourself, why do thinks always go missing and yet somehow after the documentary is over the question is still there. These things are made by the government and are paid off by privatised companies to keep the populace at bay. If you've ever done some REAL research, the area around the burmuda triangle is owned by a large company, these people also have underwater testing labs that operate around the triangle (possibly inside too?) They rent their facilites to people (obviously with lots of money) for testing purposes.
Are their secrets really that serious that people have to go missing because they get too close to jeopordizing the company and their customers business? Yes? I wonder why... *If it doesn't make sense anymore, than too bad... I am tired*

trev said:
The Big Bang theory can be cleaverly explained by a theory that states the big bang is the opposite of a black hole. Where in a black hole matter is curshed by huge gravity into nothing the black hole is nothing with huge amounts of matter bein ooured out. If the universe is realy slowing down in its expantion and one day starts to collapse in on its self then maybe the revolving theory that the universe expands and contracts for ever could be explained.

This is a very believable theory, and it some sense it does make perfect sense. And yes I do believe this happens, but what if not every ends when the universe implodes? I am sure that if the universe explodes from a single particle so dense that it can be expanded so far as to make something as the universe (and we have no actual idea of how big this is, but people are pretty sure it's bigger than our imaginations), the theory goes that the universe (from the point of explosion from the size of a single particle) then expands and expands and expands until one moment in time, it suddenly implodes faster than the speed of light, faster than the speed of anything we know... faster than our immagination can imagine.

Which leads me to my point... If the universe expands from something so small, there must be no boundaries that limit it... Being no boundaries, what lay outside the walls of universe? What else is there? Do we go from the edge of our universe to another universe (parallel) where everything is the same but there are minor differences? Do we go into another moment in time? (whether it be forward or backward)? If the universe was created using the big bang theory there is a place outside of it. Thus, if we had the speed in a vehicle that could seemlessly fly through space fast enough to reach the edge of the universe before it implodes, could we go somewhere... else?

If we think the earth is big, and the sun is 2.5 million times bigger, how big is the universe? What lay outside the universe? Ask yourselves these questions, they are much more interesting than, what is in the universe.

trev said:
I hope that there is life after death just so that i can find the answer to these such questions.
Even if there is life after death, you will still not recieve the answers... to recieve the answers you must take action yourself and find out. You won't get answers but simply asking the one whom everyone calls "god", why? Where the **** did he come from? If we came from him... Where did it all start, and how?... We can't figure this out, why? Because we don't understand dimensions and aspects of our world as much as we think we do. (take shapes for an example... sure we know, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, 4D shapes (forgot what they are)... but what about 5th dimensional figures? 6th dimensional? hell, what about 10th?. By the time we figure this out... guess what? The good ol' Bing Bang theory catches up with us and boom, everythings gone.

Hopefully this time around, in the giant loop of reality that sustains all life everywhere at perfect balanced levels, we will be faster. If there is a god, why did he create us? Maybe it's a game... maybe he wants to see if we can figure out our existence before the timer goes off and the game gets packed up and pulled out another time. But hence my original question, if this god has the power to create us? who had the power to create him? everything starts somewhere, and I just don't believe the "he was always there" religious bullcrap, that the governments take you guys for fools. Hence the 10 commandments, when where these invented? Oh yeah, about the time people were savages... what did these do? Well look at us today, civilized people.... Consider the founder of religion the best law enforcement agent in history...

So a thing to remember:

What is outside the universe's boundaries? How did it all start? If there is truely a god, how was he created? What goes on in Area 51 (better yet, what goes on in the burmuda triangle)? And what lies beyond the 4th dimensional figure?


I have another question when NASA sent Ham the chimp into space he didn't have a suit why did humans?