I could throw a fit of expletives considering how deeply this hurts, but I'm too much of a man for that. I respect vision and hardwork and my posts and activities on this site would attest to such. It is not my nature or style to brashly flout a rule, as I'm sure a review of my participation here would attest. So in taking this draconian measure, you erred (and by 'you' here I'm referring to whoever took it upon himself on the x10hosting staff to terminate my account without recourse).
Jake claims "....There was more than one person reviewing your site to decide if it met the criteria for immediate termination...." It's quite apparent this is falsehood because had their been more than one mouse-happy person reviewing, someone would have suggested a warning, perhaps even a suspension as you've mentioned, than an outright termination with complete deletion of files.
When you use the terms 'graphic' and 'sexually explicit', you suggest to the neutral bystander that I was hosting an ADULT site. And you as well as everyone who has responded on this issue knows WITHOUT A DOUBT, this is NOT TRUE. As a matter of fact, one of the very cardinal standards on the site is that NUDITY/PORNOGRAPHY is not allowed.
My site had many subsections. There were sections on politics, education, health, religion even e.t.c... and a subsection on stories. ONE story on that subsection might have had sensual inferences, NOT EROTIC IMAGES, PORNOGRAPHY or EXPLICIT MATERIAL as have been claimed. You inevitably branded the WHOLE site an adult site for that? No sir, that is VERY wrong, very unfair, parochial and high-handed.
You guys have hurt me VERY deeply and we all know the real reason here. That I did not do 'frequent backups' is hardly the issue. I am not a new member in this community, so it's not as though my site was never reviewed before. Granted that you chose to exercise your 'right' to terminate an account for whatever real reason you chose to (frankly, you can terminate any account for any reason or no reason at all whenever you want to without any legal obligations, after all, this is free hosting), but what I think is grossly irresponsible (apart of course from the clear sexual discrimination), is that you equate terminating an account with TOTALLY DELETING ALL THE FILES. Those two things do not mean one and the same thing. See, while you own the hosting service, you do not own the files. You should have either given the member an option to move their service someplace else within a set period of time or at least made a veritable backup of their files once you terminate their account.
This is wrong, VERY wrong and choosing to glaze over it so surreptitiously will not change that. You just apologized yourself for the suspension without warning; doesn't that suggest to you that someone was overhanded in this matter? The question then should be 'why' because it appears to me as though even you are 'shocked' by the termination without notice. We are not talking about an adult site here; we're talking about a simple, G-rated forum that may have had ONE sensual reference and someone decided to waste 2 year's worth of work in one simple click. Alas, human feelings alone should have cautioned against such a draconian measure.
At the end of the day, we're all accountable to a higher power.