Is the server down or something?

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Yes I did read the TOS before signing up and I maintain there's NO nudity on the site, NO pornography and I question the explicitness of the stories Erotic prose, perhaps, but certainly not explicit or pornographic.


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...and if u'd read my response, you'd note I clearly stated I read the TOS. It says there 'erotic IMAGES or otherwise LEWD or OBSCENE content'. NONE of these qualifies the stories on my site. The remainder of that phrase basically says it's a judgment call essentially meaning, I could write "Jack and Jill went up the Hill" and if xhosting in its 'discretion' decides to designate the phrase as 'adult material' then the account would be terminated nonetheless


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I believe the story I saw was about sexual intercourse between a stripper and a man. Which would could as explicit material in anyones book. That is adult content.

"The designation of "adult material" is left entirely to the discretion of x10Hosting." is clearly stated in the terms of service.

We believe the content on the site was clearly explicit and we do not want that kind material on our servers.

We're sorry, but rules are rules, and you agreed to them when you signed up.
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Jake I'm not sure what story you read because there is no stripper/man sexual intercourse in the story there and Byron, what you're stating, if I may repeat is a JUDGMENT call by x10Hosting. Clearly, none of the specified categories fit, so you're throwing this under an umbrella banner. Hardly fair.
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I Fix Things
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It is a "judgment call" by x10Hosting, just as you said, can we be much clearer in stressing that?

We believed the content on the site was explicit enough to warrant a termination. The decision to do that is completely up to the administrators here. You agreed to the terms of service, for the free hosting service we are providing here, when you signed up for it.

The textual information\content on your site was sexually explicit for anyone to read, and anyone could have viewed it easily. We're sorry, but we terminated it because we do not want that kind of stuff on our servers.
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if this is an irreversible decision, can someone send me a zip of my files? I'll go search for hosting where people are not descriminated against because of their sexual preference.

People host games and other things that are clearly SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT or boast strongly sexual themes on this same servers (simply take a look at the protagonists in the games that are hosted); but of course it doesn't matter as long as it's between a guy and a girl or two girls, otherwise, it violates the TOS. Such is life.
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I Fix Things
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This had nothing to do with your sexual preference, at all, which was stated previously.
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Find me sexually explicit games on a site hosted by us and we will get rid of them.

Your files are deleted when your account is terminated. We are sorry but any files you have not backed up yourself are lost. All files were perminently deleted at the time of the accounts termination.


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Yes it does have everything to do with sexual preference Byron, regardless of how politically-correct you may want to sound about this. We all know that. It's the REAL unspoken issue.

Jake, it's not my place to search and point out things that are clearly-obvious. It's either you're choosing not to see them, or they simply do not fall under your (same-gender) designation.

You deleted several years worth of work and sweat with such disdain and impunity. Wow, I certainly wish you goodluck in life.


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"It's the REAL unspoken issue" - All sites with adult material on them, explicit material and/or other type of material x10 does not believe is appropriate on these servers is deleted. There was more than one person reviewing your site to decide if it met the criteria for immediate termination.

"clearly-obvious" - Well, I don't play online games. So no, I don't see these sexually explicit games you are talking about. I don't have the time to search out everything, and neither does the other staff here at x10. We can not find everything that is adult and explicit. We do our best, and those that violate the TOS in our opinions are terminated.

Deletion of an account is normal with any host. We do not keep a backup of your data. Unless the circumstances call for it, such as a server move. However you should be keeping backups of your site on your own computer. You losing your work is not our fault, we provide the service for you to use, which doesn't guarantee protection of your files. You should not be dependant on us to have a backup. Anyone who does anything website-related should know how to properly backup their work.
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I Break Things
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First, we tell everyone to make frequent backups. Blaming us because you have not made a backup in a few years isn't right.

Second, like everyone has said here we do not allow sexually explicit material. I was sent a fragment of one of the stories hosted on your site. We do not allow such content here, whether it be between males, females, or animals for all I care.

I am personally responsible for every site that is hosted under us, whether the person who puts the site up abides by the TOS or not. I am the one holding that responsibility. ANY sexual related material is strictly forbidden, especially ones of such graphic nature.

Maybe you should have been suspended instead of terminated. That is the only thing I'll apologize for. It is always up in the air whether a staff member decides to terminate or suspend an account. If you break the TOS you put your account on risk for termination no matter how minor an infraction you think it may be. We've terminated people for far less than what you were just terminated for.

I also can't stress enough, this hosting is provided to you for free. We juggle over 2,000 accounts and there is no way possible for us to give dedicated personal attention to each one. If an account poses the slightest risk of danger to x10 we will abide by our TOS and suspend or terminate it.

I wish you luck in finding another more leniant host.



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I could throw a fit of expletives considering how deeply this hurts, but I'm too much of a man for that. I respect vision and hardwork and my posts and activities on this site would attest to such. It is not my nature or style to brashly flout a rule, as I'm sure a review of my participation here would attest. So in taking this draconian measure, you erred (and by 'you' here I'm referring to whoever took it upon himself on the x10hosting staff to terminate my account without recourse).

Jake claims "....There was more than one person reviewing your site to decide if it met the criteria for immediate termination...." It's quite apparent this is falsehood because had their been more than one mouse-happy person reviewing, someone would have suggested a warning, perhaps even a suspension as you've mentioned, than an outright termination with complete deletion of files.

When you use the terms 'graphic' and 'sexually explicit', you suggest to the neutral bystander that I was hosting an ADULT site. And you as well as everyone who has responded on this issue knows WITHOUT A DOUBT, this is NOT TRUE. As a matter of fact, one of the very cardinal standards on the site is that NUDITY/PORNOGRAPHY is not allowed.

My site had many subsections. There were sections on politics, education, health, religion even e.t.c... and a subsection on stories. ONE story on that subsection might have had sensual inferences, NOT EROTIC IMAGES, PORNOGRAPHY or EXPLICIT MATERIAL as have been claimed. You inevitably branded the WHOLE site an adult site for that? No sir, that is VERY wrong, very unfair, parochial and high-handed.

You guys have hurt me VERY deeply and we all know the real reason here. That I did not do 'frequent backups' is hardly the issue. I am not a new member in this community, so it's not as though my site was never reviewed before. Granted that you chose to exercise your 'right' to terminate an account for whatever real reason you chose to (frankly, you can terminate any account for any reason or no reason at all whenever you want to without any legal obligations, after all, this is free hosting), but what I think is grossly irresponsible (apart of course from the clear sexual discrimination), is that you equate terminating an account with TOTALLY DELETING ALL THE FILES. Those two things do not mean one and the same thing. See, while you own the hosting service, you do not own the files. You should have either given the member an option to move their service someplace else within a set period of time or at least made a veritable backup of their files once you terminate their account.

This is wrong, VERY wrong and choosing to glaze over it so surreptitiously will not change that. You just apologized yourself for the suspension without warning; doesn't that suggest to you that someone was overhanded in this matter? The question then should be 'why' because it appears to me as though even you are 'shocked' by the termination without notice. We are not talking about an adult site here; we're talking about a simple, G-rated forum that may have had ONE sensual reference and someone decided to waste 2 year's worth of work in one simple click. Alas, human feelings alone should have cautioned against such a draconian measure.

At the end of the day, we're all accountable to a higher power.


I Break Things
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The problem that is impossible to make people understand is how many accounts we have to deal with everyday. There is no prior background check when finding an account with questionable matter. Nothing comes up and says 'This person is a good member of the community', or 'This person has been a member this long'. We generally terminate 50-100 accounts per day, I do not have the resources to have every termination thoroughly reviewed.

I personally did not see your site, I don't know if it was a one paragraph item, or maybe a whole section of stories. Maybe this will prompt a new process in the future for appealing terminations. As of right now, without being able to pay any staff I do not have the resources to implement such things.

I'll see if we have a backup on any server from your site.



New Member
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Thanks Corey... though I've been wondering if this means my account is being restored or you're merely looking for a back-up to send me packing. Either way, please provide update.


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nycdlmusckat said:
Thanks Corey... though I've been wondering if this means my account is being restored or you're merely looking for a back-up to send me packing. Either way, please provide update.

x10 only does backups when we move servers. It is OUR responsibility to make them (I download a forum sql backup every night automatically). Sorry :(


New Member
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Thanks for the info Micro, but Corey's checking to see if there's any backup. I've found a back-up myself but I need to compare with his to see which is more recent... and I also need to know if my account is being restored or I need to go look for hosting elsewhere.


I Break Things
Staff member
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Sorry for the delay, been busy. I looked through every backup yesterday while preparing for the move to the new server. I did not see one in there. If we do have one it would be a few months old though. If you have a backup I'll recreate your account if you PM me with the account details.



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Corey i appriciate the hard work you do for this site but dont you think you should be more leniant towards your members after all we are the one that make your site run if im right. Without members what is hosting ? I still love the work you do but in every sheep herd there are some black sheep and we have to take them out. Like nycdlmusckat said the files are ours you should give a 1 day time for us to back them up or change the content.
A suggestion is that you are more tight with your moderators.
Thank you


Former Senior Account Rep
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This is allowed depending on the Account Manger and what you did. A serious offense as lets say warez, we would probley terminate depending on how much we find. If we find a bit, we may just give you 24 hours to remove it after your 4 days suspension period is up. It depends on the Account Manger and what the offense is.

You do make the site run, but if your going to get all of us in trouble by the government, then whats the point, and we try to remove the selected accounts that break the TOS, as then the other people will be able to keep there hosting service with no troubles, and actually make the money required. If something isn't right, the DC could pull the server, and they have the authority too, and EVERYBODY'S accounts would be lost, and Corey still may end up paying for the server in the end.

This is one of the reason we have a paid server, if for some reason something happens to the free server, the people who pay for there quality hosting still keep it, and the free server does whatever.
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