The entire left side of the main site doesn't translate at all, same with the page title, but my guess to the main suspension reason is that there's a ton of images that can't be read cause they're not in english.
The forums themselves are a bigger issue as they are 90% untranslatable, and what is translatable of the rules flat out says "Do not speak in english," which I can see overlooking because it's a forum, and thus difficult to translate anyways.
What I find impossible to overlook though is why there are posts linking to stuff like, and I quote "All Albums Faramarz Mahjoub," who I promptly find out on google isn't giving his music out for free legally, among others. Translations are one thing, but copyright infringement is another, and some of it has been posted by the staff of the board. This is a much more serious issue, which currently has it marked as a zero tolerance suspension. I'm not sure who suspended it originally, but had they seen this they'dve marked it differently.
Edit: I also looked at post history; the user who reviewed the site previously appears to have not actually checked the forums. This is an older post by one of our staff on forum postings:
if a few of the viewers would reply in their/your language that would be fine, we won't require you to translate them, as long as they are in minority.
However if there would be more posts in another language then in one of the allowed, you'd need to translate them
I know that's from 2009, I've said it more recently than that but I'm looking for a more recent example.
Edit 2: January 2011; the problem is it's not "a few posts," it's the entire forum not in a supported language, plus that they're trafficking illegal stuff on it. Not a good thing, to put it bluntly.