I've got this message - Resource Limit Hit..?

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Hy, please inform me why my domain get this message - Resource Limit Hit!

This site has exceeded its resource limits for the past hour, web traffic has been restricted. Limits are reset every hour, please try back shortly. Common reasons for this error:

  • High resource usage scripts.
  • Poorly coded scripts.
  • Time to upgrade.

There wasn't any problem half an hour before..



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YES, its normal.. It always happen specially if you have a lot of scripting that call for lots of traffic.. So refrain from adding plugins/ scripting that will call the attention of the server and put your site to resource limit hit.. This could be the strategy of the admin for us to buy premium.. but what is very frustrating is that it always happen, even if i am the only one browsing/ manipulating/making back-up/ editing the site and then suddenly the error appear.. so i was thinking, what if there will be a lots of visitors on my site and there will be a lot of traffic.. so my site will be forever be in resource limit hit.. ouch!..let's pray it will not happen..lol.. :frown::frown:


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Just for information's sake, it's mostly those admin tasks (backing up, adding posts/pages to an application that tries to minimze database hits, etc.) that call for a lot of server resources. Ordinary users hitting your site don't normally use nearly as many CPU cycles or as mch RAM as your admin work uses. Yes, there are CMS and WordPress plugins that use a lot of resources, and CMS systems tend to be resource-heavy in any case (that's how they get their versatility). But no, it's not a strategy to force you into buying a hosting package -- you just need to understand what you're working with.

You might find the information I posted here a little while ago interesting. In fact, the whole thread is about the system resource limit, how it works, and why it's there.

Obviously, if you pay for more RAM space and more CPU time, you can use more. There are far fewer accounts on each server with Premium (or the Illuminated package, for that matter), and VPS and Infinity packages allow you to purchase fixed resource allocations. You are only ever going to get so much for free, and you have to share that nicely with all of the other users on your server -- everybody else wants their sites to load for their users too.
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