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A small java software application is called an "applet" and can be inserted into your webpage.
If you are interested in short, webpage tutorials, or pre-designed Java applets, you can learn more
An applet is made up of the basic program (a file or files ending in .class) and any auxiliary sound, graphic, or data files used by the applet. Once you have these files placed in the appropriate places (more on this below), you then need to insert the proper HTML tags in your Web page to call and run the applet.
Java, Javscript, free source code, programs, tutorials, and help can be accessed
The above is probably what you are looking for
There are other topics as well, such as JavaServer Pages (JSP):
JavaServer Pages (JSP) lets you separate the dynamic part of your pages from the static HTML. You simply write the regular HTML in the normal manner, using whatever Web-page-building tools you normally use. You then enclose the code for the dynamic parts in special tags, most of which start with "<%" and end with "%>".
You normally give your file a .jsp extension, and typically install it in any place you could place a normal Web page.
Check the cite referenced for more information and examples.
Then there's also programming Dynamic HTML in Java:
You specify containers in the HTML using DIV and SPAN tags. These elements can then be bound and accessed by Java. That's about all the HTML you'll need to know as a Java developer. WFC unifies DHTML with the Win32 API. The same familar methods are all there along with the same event handling, the same accessor/mutator methods, the same Color handling, etc. All of the page elements can be defined in Java and the web page existing only for hosting and loading.
I hope all of this information helps
Aznslacker2005 said:
How would you implement Java into HTML though? I always thought that if you wanted to use Java, it was outside of webpages whereas JScript was more applicable. I'm probably wrong, but could you give me an explanation?