Javascript form to PHP


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I have a lot on my plate lately and I do not have time to learn PHP to convert my form over. This form was all on one page and now I am converting it over a small form with a pop up window for results. I am offering 150 credits for anyone that wishes to finish this code for me.

Original Form
<script type="text/javascript">

function clearMe(formfield)
  if (formfield.defaultValue==formfield.value)
   formfield.value = ""

function CurrencyFormatted(amount)
    var i = parseFloat(amount);
    if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
    var minus = '';
    if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
    i = Math.abs(i);
    i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
    i = i / 100;
    s = new String(i);
    if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
    if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
    s = minus + s;
    return s;

function Calculate()
    var GASPrice = document.Calc1.GASPrice.value;
    var Ethanol = document.Calc1.Ethanol.value;
    var MPGGAS = document.Calc1.MPGGAS.value;
    var Tank = document.Calc1.Tank.value;
    var MPGE85 = document.Calc1.MPGE85.value;

      if (MPGE85 <= 0)
        var E85Percent = (MPGGAS / (MPGGAS * .87));
        var E85Percent = (MPGGAS / MPGE85);

    var GASTank = (GASPrice * Tank);
    var E85 = (Ethanol * 2) / 2;
    var E85TankNon = (E85 * Tank);
    var E85Tank = ((E85 * Tank) * E85Percent);
    var GasSaveTank = (E85Tank - GASTank);
    var GasSaveGall = (E85Tank - GASTank) / Tank;
    var E85SaveTank = (GASTank - E85Tank);
    var E85SaveGall = (GASTank - E85Tank) / Tank;

    var Diff = (GASTank - E85Tank);
    var SaveTankGas = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GasSaveTank);
    var SaveGallGas = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GasSaveGall);
    var SaveTankE85 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85SaveTank);
    var SaveGallE85 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85SaveGall);

    var E85Tank1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85Tank);
    var GASTank1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GASTank);
    var E85TankNon1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85TankNon);

      if (Diff <= 0)
        document.Calc1.BestResults.value = "Your Best Choise is using Gasoline";
        document.Calc1.SaveTank.value = SaveTankGas;
        document.Calc1.SaveGall.value = SaveGallGas;
        document.Calc1.BestResults.value = "Your Best Choise is using E85";
        document.Calc1.SaveTank.value = SaveTankE85;
        document.Calc1.SaveGall.value = SaveGallE85;

        document.Calc1.GasFill.value = GASTank1;
        document.Calc1.E85Fill.value = E85Tank1;
        document.Calc1.E85FillNon.value = E85TankNon1;

    var GASPriceReturn = CurrencyFormatted(GASPrice);
    var EthanolReturn = CurrencyFormatted(Ethanol);
    var MPGGASReturn = CurrencyFormatted(MPGGAS);
    var TankReturn = CurrencyFormatted(Tank);
    var MPGE85Return = CurrencyFormatted(MPGE85);

        document.Calc1.GASPrice.value = GASPriceReturn;
        document.Calc1.Ethanol.value = EthanolReturn;
        document.Calc1.MPGGAS.value = MPGGASReturn;
        document.Calc1.Tank.value = TankReturn;
        document.Calc1.MPGE85.value = MPGE85Return;

    //return false so the form isn't cleared
    return false;

<form name ="Calc1" method="post" onSubmit="return Calculate();">

<div id="form">

<td>Price of Gasoline <br /> <span id="box">$<input type="text" name="GASPrice" id="GASPrice" class="txtboxentry" style="text-align:center" onfocus="clearMe(this)" value="0.00"></span></td>

<td>Price of E85 <br /> $<input type="text" name="Ethanol" id="Ethanol" class="txtboxentry" style="text-align:center" onfocus="clearMe(this)" value="0.00"></td>

<td>Size of fuel Tank <br /> $<input type="text" name="Tank" id="Tank" class="txtboxentry" style="text-align:center" onfocus="clearMe(this)" value="0.00"></td>

<td>MPG on Gasoline <br /> $<input type="text" name="MPGGAS" id="MPGGAS" class="txtboxentry" style="text-align:center" onfocus="clearMe(this)" value="0.00"></td>

<td colspan="2" align="center">MPG on E85 <br /> (if unknown leave 0.00)<br>$<input type="text" name="MPGE85" id="MPGE85" class="txtboxentry" style="text-align:center" onfocus="clearMe(this)" value="0.00"></td>


<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type = "submit" value = "Calculate" name="submit" class="cmdbutton"></td>


<input type="text" name="BestResults" value="Your Choice Is Using" id="BestResults" class="txtboxwide" style="text-align:center" readonly="readonly">

Savings Per Tank
<input type="text" name="SaveTank" id="SaveTank" class="txtbox1" readonly="readonly">

Savings Per Gallon
<input type="text" name="SaveGall" id="SaveGall" class="txtbox1" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="gas_fill">
Cost to fill with Gasoline<input type="text" name="GasFill" id="Test" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="e85_fill">
Cost to fill with E85<input type="text" name="E85FillNon" id="E85FillNon" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="e85_fill_adjusted">
Cost to fill with E85 *Adjusted price<input type="text" name="E85Fill" id="E85Fill" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">
* Adjusted Price : The adjusted price includes the extra cost due to loss in fuel mileage.

This is what i have come up with so far before I ran out of time you can change it any you wish as long as it works.

My work so far
$GASPrice = strip_tags($_POST["GASPrice"]);
$Ethanol = strip_tags($_POST["Ethanol"]);
$MPGGAS = strip_tags($_POST["MPGGAS"]);
$Tank = strip_tags($_POST["Tank"]);
$MPGE85= strip_tags($_POST["MPGE85"]);

    $GASPrice = document.Calc1.GASPrice.value;
    $Ethanol = document.Calc1.Ethanol.value;
    $MPGGAS = document.Calc1.MPGGAS.value;
    $Tank = document.Calc1.Tank.value;
    $MPGE85 = document.Calc1.MPGE85.value;

      if (MPGE85 <= 0)
      $E85Percent = (MPGGAS / (MPGGAS * .87));
      $E85Percent = (MPGGAS / MPGE85);

    $GASTank = (GASPrice * Tank);
    $E85 = (Ethanol * 2) / 2;
    $E85TankNon = (E85 * Tank);
    $E85Tank = ((E85 * Tank) * E85Percent);
    $GasSaveTank = (E85Tank - GASTank);
    $GasSaveGall = (E85Tank - GASTank) / Tank;
    $E85SaveTank = (GASTank - E85Tank);
    $E85SaveGall = (GASTank - E85Tank) / Tank;

    $Diff = (GASTank - E85Tank);
    $SaveTankGas = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GasSaveTank);
    $SaveGallGas = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GasSaveGall);
    $SaveTankE85 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85SaveTank);
    $SaveGallE85 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85SaveGall);

    $E85Tank1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85Tank);
    $GASTank1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(GASTank);
    $E85TankNon1 = "$" + CurrencyFormatted(E85TankNon);

      if (Diff <= 0)
        document.Calc1.BestResults.value = "Your Best Choise is using Gasoline";
        document.Calc1.SaveTank.value = SaveTankGas;
        document.Calc1.SaveGall.value = SaveGallGas;
        document.Calc1.BestResults.value = "Your Best Choise is using E85";
        document.Calc1.SaveTank.value = SaveTankE85;
        document.Calc1.SaveGall.value = SaveGallE85;

        document.Calc1.GasFill.value = GASTank1;
        document.Calc1.E85Fill.value = E85Tank1;
        document.Calc1.E85FillNon.value = E85TankNon1;

    $GASPriceReturn = CurrencyFormatted(GASPrice);
    $EthanolReturn = CurrencyFormatted(Ethanol);
    $MPGGASReturn = CurrencyFormatted(MPGGAS);
    $TankReturn = CurrencyFormatted(Tank);
    $MPGE85Return = CurrencyFormatted(MPGE85);

        document.Calc1.GASPrice.value = GASPriceReturn;
        document.Calc1.Ethanol.value = EthanolReturn;
        document.Calc1.MPGGAS.value = MPGGASReturn;
        document.Calc1.Tank.value = TankReturn;
        document.Calc1.MPGE85.value = MPGE85Return;

    //return false so the form isn't cleared
    return false;?>


New Member
Reaction score
Try this I hope it works. :)
<input type="text" name="BestResults" value="Your Choice Is Using" id="BestResults" class="txtboxwide" style="text-align:center" readonly="readonly">

Savings Per Tank
<input type="text" name="SaveTank" id="SaveTank" class="txtbox1" readonly="readonly">

Savings Per Gallon
<input type="text" name="SaveGall" id="SaveGall" class="txtbox1" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="gas_fill">
Cost to fill with Gasoline<input type="text" name="GasFill" id="Test" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="e85_fill">
Cost to fill with E85<input type="text" name="E85FillNon" id="E85FillNon" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">

        <div id="e85_fill_adjusted">
Cost to fill with E85 *Adjusted price<input type="text" name="E85Fill" id="E85Fill" class="txtbox" readonly="readonly">
* Adjusted Price : The adjusted price includes the extra cost due to loss in fuel mileage.


New Member
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I worked with a couple members in programming help board to create the form.

You can close this thread.


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My message got truncated. anyway you can close your own thread by clicking the option to close thread.

if you want what I have done you can pm me. :)