Joomla Mail Settings

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Please help!

For three days I tried to get support, but nothing as a result. Maybe, somebody knows how to set my Global Config in Joomla to send messages through my site? The situation is below:
1) Three days ago I found that I am not able to access my web mail through cpanel. My login/password stopped working. My webmail account was the main contact account for my site, and all notifications, messages from contact form, registration/order info successfully came to my webmail account. So, I contacted x10 administrator and got no help -- maybe because I have a free account here.
2) Ok, I decided to change the way of sending emails/messages through my site, and tried to set up smtp sending. But cannot do this, as all the settings I enter into Mail Settings in Joomla Global Config, did not work. I get the "SMTP Error! Could not connect to SMTP host". If I try to use php mail() function, the error is "could not instantiate mail function" as like php mail() function is disabled.
3) I contacted x10 admin and was said that php mail() function is enabled.
4) I am absolutely new to php, smtp, and stuff like this. I just have site on Joomla, and want the messages to be delivered, somehow.
5) My question is: Can anybody advise how to set up mail settings? What mailer, mailfrom, smtp host (if apply) etc. Three days ago I had no problems, as I could go to my webmail account and read all the messages users send through my site. But now I cannot, no help, and I need to change the configuration somehow...

Thank you anybody for your help!


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I already escalated your previous thread yesterday. Please wait for a response from an admin. They will get to you as soon as they can.
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Thanks for reply. At least, I can login to forum today -- that's a good news.
I'll try to explain... All the messages/notifications/orders I receive from my site are very important, I need to answer quickly, that is why I try to change mail configuration now, to solve the problem asap. And I need any advice from anybody -- so I try to get the answer here on the forum.
But you set the priority for my ticket as "low", and I see that I may wait for response for weeks.


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All threads escalated are set as low, there is no option from my end to set the priority to anything at all, it just escalates. Don't bump your ticket in any way and they will respond in the order they receive each ticket in the system.

The current advice I can try here is assuming that you can login to your cPanel. If you are able to do that, go to your webmail account settings in your cPanel and change the password. Then go try to access your webmail again after the password change.

So, I contacted x10 administrator and got no help -- maybe because I have a free account here.
We are mostly volunteers here, and there's no guarantee that you be answered by someone that has account admin status. I escalated your thread to the account admins so they will get to you as soon as they can.
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I remember this advice from you, and I did so yesterday, when you advised. Just a second ago, I tried to do this again, changed password for my webmail -- then, as it was said by RoundCube, I "successfully logged in", but at the end I'vo got the same error: DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please contact your server-administrator.
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