I know it's not a custom function, it means it's missing, and if it's missing you have it disabled or it's not compatible with your php version.I'm not sure I am understanding what you mean. json_decode() is NOT a custom function, it is part of the Json module that is loaded on PHP startup. If you go into "Select PHP Module" from Cpanel you can see that you can check or uncheck the json module. Notwithstanding toggling, the module is still not loaded and the json functions are not available for use.
It's there (as in it being an option and supported) but it appears that some modules won't load for some users due to an issue in the backend.I know it's not a custom function, it means it's missing, and if it's missing you have it disabled or it's not compatible with your php version.
You may want to make a custom function such:
I know it uses eval function, it can be recoded not to have to use eval in it, I was giving an example to an alternative, when the json function does not work. There are many other alternatives than that,it was an idea how to go about it.It's there (as in it being an option and supported) but it appears that some modules won't load for some users due to an issue in the backend.
The custom json_decode function on the page you had linked to uses a blacklisted function (eval).
-Would anyone be willing to run the script on his account to list the discrepancies?
server xo3 server Tommy
----- -----
bcmath bcmath
calendar calendar
Core Core
ctype ctype
curl curl
date date
dom dom
ereg ereg
exif exif
fileinfo fileinfo
filter filter
ftp ftp
gd gd
gettext gettext
hash hash
iconv iconv
imap imap
intl intl
ionCube Loader
json json
libxml libxml
mbstring mbstring
mcrypt mcrypt
mhash mhash
mysql mysql
mysqli mysqli
mysqlnd mysqlnd
openssl openssl
pcntl pcntl
pcre pcre
pdo_mysql pdo_mysql
pdo_sqlite pdo_sqlite
Phar Phar
posix posix
pspell pspell
readline readline
Reflection Reflection
session session
SimpleXML SimpleXML
soap soap
sockets sockets
sqlite3 sqlite3
standard standard
tokenizer tokenizer
xml xml
xmlreader xmlreader
xmlrpc xmlrpc
xmlwriter xmlwriter
xsl xsl
Zend OPcache
zip zip
zlib zlib
| my xo1.x10hosting.com | bdistler's xo3.x10hosting.com| bdistler's tommy.heliohost.org| my tommy.heliohost.org |
| | bcmath | bcmath | bcmath |
| bz2 | bz2 | | |
| calendar | calendar | calendar | calendar |
| | | cgi-fcgi | cgi-fcgi |
| Core | Core | Core | Core |
| ctype | ctype | ctype | ctype |
| curl | curl | curl | curl |
| date | date | date | date |
| | dom | dom | dom |
| ereg | ereg | ereg | ereg |
| exif | exif | exif | exif |
| | fileinfo | fileinfo | fileinfo |
| filter | filter | filter | filter |
| ftp | ftp | ftp | ftp |
| | gd | gd | gd |
| | geoip | | |
| gettext | gettext | gettext | gettext |
| gmp | gmp | | |
| hash | hash | hash | hash |
| iconv | iconv | iconv | iconv |
| | imap | imap | imap |
| | intl | intl | intl |
| | ionCube Loader | | |
| | json | json | json |
| libxml | libxml | libxml | libxml |
| litespeed | litespeed | | |
| | mbstring | mbstring | mbstring |
| | mcrypt | mcrypt | mcrypt |
| mhash | mhash | mhash | mhash |
| | mongo | | |
| | mysql | mysql | mysql |
| | mysqli | mysqli | mysqli |
| | mysqlnd | mysqlnd | mysqlnd |
| openssl | openssl | openssl | openssl |
| pcntl | pcntl | pcntl | pcntl |
| pcre | pcre | pcre | pcre |
| | PDO | PDO | PDO |
| | pdo_mysql | pdo_mysql | pdo_mysql |
| | | pdo_pgsql | pdo_pgsql |
| | pdo_sqlite | pdo_sqlite | pdo_sqlite |
| | | pgsql | pgsql |
| | Phar | Phar | Phar |
| | posix | posix | posix |
| | pspell | pspell | pspell |
| readline | readline | readline | readline |
| Reflection | Reflection | Reflection | Reflection |
| session | session | session | session |
| shmop | shmop | | |
| SimpleXML | SimpleXML | SimpleXML | SimpleXML |
| | soap | soap | soap |
| | sockets | sockets | sockets |
| SPL | SPL | SPL | SPL |
| sqlite3 | sqlite3 | sqlite3 | sqlite3 |
| standard | standard | standard | standard |
| | timezonedb | | |
| tokenizer | tokenizer | tokenizer | tokenizer |
| | | wddx | wddx |
| | xdebug | | |
| xml | xml | xml | xml |
| | xmlreader | xmlreader | xmlreader |
| | xmlrpc | xmlrpc | xmlrpc |
| | xmlwriter | xmlwriter | xmlwriter |
| | xsl | xsl | xsl |
| | | Zend OPcache | Zend OPcache |
| | zip | zip | zip |
| zlib | zlib | zlib | zlib |