Latest Updates 6/14/09

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I Break Things
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Going to make this brief...

Starka is currently being moved to Stoli, expect some issues on both servers until it is finished. Moves are resource intensive.

We're focusing most of our efforts on support tickets, please read the news before opening a ticket. You will find yourself banned from the support system and the forums if you open tickets that waste our time.

The cPanel transfer script isn't as reliable as we thought so there are more accounts missing than previously projected, it takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes to restore a single account if everything is gone. We are very backed up in this department but are working through them.

There is an issue with restoring accounts that were on Lotus and are now on Stoli, we have an open support ticket with the company that makes our backup software but it does not seem like that work weekends. We expect a response tomorrow and hopefully a resolution. So if your files\account is missing and you were on Lotus you will have to wait until we get the issues resolved with our backup software... again, hopefully tomorrow.

Depending what server you are on somethings are disabled and will remain disabled until we get all the transfers done and support tickets caught up. These can include Shared SSL, ASP.NET, misc functions in PHP like mail. We've disabled certain things because they either take a lot of our time to monitor them or take a lot of server resources. Until we are caught up on tickets and the move is done we need as much of both as possible.

403 Errors...
If you are getting a 403 error you are most likely on Chopin... please create a support ticket and have 403 error in your ticket subject somewhere. This was caused by our backup software screwing up a restore and overwriting file permissions. It is an easy fix. Again, make sure you include 403 error in your subject so it can be seen and taken care of as quickly as possible.

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I Break Things
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Also, the worst thing you can do is 'bump' your support ticket. It will put you back at the bottom of the queue every time you do this.


I Break Things
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One more pro tip:

If you're rude in your tickets I'm going to close them and not help you... it is beyond my comprehension why someone would think being obnoxious and rude to the people that have no obligation what so ever to help you would make us want to help you at all.

If you're on free hosting we don't owe you anything. You're not generating income for us and if you want to be rude go elsewhere, I don't want you here as a free hosting member, or a paid hosting member, because I know your answer would be "Well now I'm not going to sign up for paid hosting". You know how many times a day we get that? ;) I don't want you as a paid hosting member if this is the way you act.

Just a tip :)


I Break Things
Staff member
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We have written a script to fix the 403 error problem on Chopin, if you were previously receiving it please check again. If it is resolved please close your ticket in the support system.
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