Ok, some more feedback/suggestions (do with them what you wish) ;
Try to make the first/interface page as self-contained as possible.
So it could contain some more info on it's purpose (similar to what zapzack wrote in the 1st post of this thread) & instructions for use.
There could also be other sub-pages such as an About Us (giving the history of the site's creation, & even a link to this thread in x10's forum, so that other's using the new site can come to this thread & post feedback!) Possibly also an FAQ, & all the other pages one finds on a normal site, like the Contact Us, Copyright, & TOS.
Explain the purpose of the TinyURL button (link cloaking). By the way, that button seems to have stopped working for me.
Some discrete adverts if you want to get some revenue!
Possibly a warning to show if javascript is disabled/needed (unless you manage to redesign the site without scripts, but I suspect that isn't too likely).
Change the text at the top, to show "x10hosting.
com" & make it a clickable link (you could even make it a referral link).
Also include a link to x10's original Search page, as a useful feature for people who want to go there directly.
Now, regarding security;
I don't really know how your page works, but perhaps you could clarify a few things for myself & anyone else wishing to use the site (& also place answers to some key questions on the site itself, maybe in the FAQ).
How does the site work? (in layman's terms - but no need to reveal trade secrets!
). Is it able to steal the member's username/password as they get directed to x10's Search page, & then the member perhaps continues to browse x10 from there?
Does it need/use the new x10 account you created? If so, what keeps that account from going inactive? Are the user's Search terms logged? Is anything else logged? (IP etc)......And so on. These things could come under a Privacy Policy. Logging is OK as long as it is not too personal to the user, & as long as it is clearly outlined in the Policy.
@ichwar - regarding the animated mouse effect, & sarcastic step-by-step instructions as the mouse clicks on things, to really make the recipient of the link feel stupid ;
see how this site does it ;
Our site could use the idea, but doesn't/shouldn't necessarily be the same.
Regarding disassembling the theme's image; I don't know about the copyright - you could always ask Corey for permission. It doesn't need to use much of the theme anyway, & if necessary you can always tweak it to resemble x10, but to be suitably different.
I hope these ideas have helped. I'm sure you already have plenty enough ideas of your own!