login error

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New Member
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Hello everyone!
I tried logging into my account and I kept coming up with this error:

"The forum account you are logging into does not have an existing link to an x10Hosting hosting account.

Please be sure you are using the correct account to access x10Hosting's account management system. You should be using the forum account that you provided during the hosting account signup process. If you are not, this error is most likely the result.

If you have successfully logged into the account system in the past, this error may be the result of the hosting account no longer existing. If you have not accessed your x10Hosting account in an extended period of time, it may have been terminated with our inactivity policy.

If you've recently signed up to find that your account errored during creation, and you selected to "reattempt" or "cancel" your account signup, you will see this message until you sign up for an account again.

To receive a definite answer regarding the status of your account, open a support ticket at: http://support.x10hosting.com"

At first I thought I had got my password wrong, so I reset it, but I still got the same message. Then I figured my long inactivity had caused my account to be deleted, yet somehow left my forum account fine, so I remade my account. But I'm still getting the same error. Can someone help?
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New Member
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
I tried logging into my account and I kept coming up with this error:

"The forum account you are logging into does not have an existing link to an x10Hosting hosting account.

Please be sure you are using the correct account to access x10Hosting's account management system. You should be using the forum account that you provided during the hosting account signup process. If you are not, this error is most likely the result.

If you have successfully logged into the account system in the past, this error may be the result of the hosting account no longer existing. If you have not accessed your x10Hosting account in an extended period of time, it may have been terminated with our inactivity policy.

If you've recently signed up to find that your account errored during creation, and you selected to "reattempt" or "cancel" your account signup, you will see this message until you sign up for an account again.

To receive a definite answer regarding the status of your account, open a support ticket at: http://support.x10hosting.com"

At first I thought I had got my password wrong, so I reset it, but I still got the same message. Then I figured my long inactivity had caused my account to be deleted, yet somehow left my forum account fine, so I remade my account. But I'm still getting the same error. Can someone help?

there were some issues with the account transfers and some of them are no longer associated with x10Hosting, you will need to open a support ticket with a clear Subject: Account not associated with x10Hosting so the staff are aware of your problem.

be aware they are swamped with support tickets now and it might take awhile to get your issue resolved, however, do not bump your ticket or submit multiple ones as the staff has made it very clear that those who do will be helped last and/or be banned from support.

Hope I helped a bit ;)

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