Macs = Best!


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Did you really pay to stick THIS?

Spartan Erik

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lol why pay thousands for overpriced junk when you can get a souped up dell for that much money?

the cost of getting a computer that is compatible with many softwares, can be souped up, and have antivirus and antispyware software installed is entirely cheaper than buying an apple

better yet, be 1337 and build a computer :)


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This is got to be the dumbest thread offence.....

Mac's suck....there are viruses! Can't you see nothing is safe! Get Windows XP or Vista and you will be in hevan! :)


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pulse__xx said:
Get a Mac Today! With No Viruses and Spyware, you'll be in PC HEAVEN!

People who think they are "safe" from viruses and spyware because they use a Mac really ain't that bright (no offence). The only true good secure OS is a closed source Unix. Mac OS(or tiger OSX whatever the hell their calling it) have just as many holes, if not more, as Windows. But windows has a mass userbase while making its user's more sesptible to virus attacks,spyware, adware, etc. It also means that when a security hole is found it's fixed fast. Where as Mac's holes because of a considerably lower user base will be left unfound but then when some person downloades something as simple as a audio codec. They get completly owned by some spyware/virus. The only reason that a Windows computer should fail from a virus or spyware is because the person using it dosen't know squat. Windows also has a lot of quick fixes that you can do yourself. For example some adware installed a program on my computer and every time I deleted or uninstalled it a few minutes later it would reinstall it's self. So what I did is I deleted folder in program files and then made an empty folder named the same. The spyware didn't bother my and I was able to make backups and reformat. So really you have to base virus/spyware sespetibility on who's using the computer not what OS your're running. If there were really no threat to macs you'd never need to update your OS along its x.whatever tree.


I Break Things
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Maybe I should move this to crossfire haha ;)



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Haha, and someone hacked into one in 30 mins.

But still, macs are definately better than PCs.

Macs are built to get the job done.

Ofcourse you can mod your computer to your own ways, and buy top of the line parts, but that takes money + time. Guess what macs do. They already have it all.

Windows have annoying pop ups telling you some vulnerabilities, or some problem in the OS, which usually make the computer crash.

In Windows, you have to download antivirus programs and firewalls since in XP Home, firewalls are set off in default. Some people don't even know what firewalls are. Pathetic, but I'm sure you will find many people at your school who don't know what the hell a firewall is.

Macs, you get the job done, no crashing, no spyware, and shutting down in no time, when PCs you could get problems of computers crashing, ofcource getting spyware, and shutting down could take around 50 seconds for average computers.

So, paying that extra cash really kinda means something ya know.

And for an end to this post, simplicity really is best. They're real stylish too. Chicks dig em.


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Linux = Better than Mac, because at least Linux can run more windows programs than Mac so you dont have to part from those ones you like. It also doesnt have like any viruses. And free, how can you beat that? and money, hmm, i think windows pcs and mac pcs cost almost the same (expecially when you look for a pc with the same items as a mac has). My thought.


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To clear things up, Mac only has 200 viruses compared to the 100 000 - 200 000 on a pc.


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Linux is mostly for people who have a lot of time in their hands. Linux comes with mostly nothing, you have to build up to get to a max performance which even isn't as good as Windows or Mac. The OS is stable though. But in another thought, so are Macs, if you get the good ones.


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moose said:
But still, macs are definately better than PCs.
Granted Mac's are better in some ways but not all. At school I use a mac for Video and audio work on movies and music but alot of thing's can be done on PC that can't be done on a mac. Most games arn't released for macs at the same time as PC's and gaming is a big part of my life.
moose said:
Macs are built to get the job done.
Unless that job has anything to do with games or gigantic mathamatical problems.
moose said:
Ofcourse you can mod your computer to your own ways, and buy top of the line parts, but that takes money + time. Guess what macs do. They already have it all.
Haveing everything you "need" (note the quotes) is no fun and moding is a thing that I enjoy doing. As far as I know you can't dual run graphics cards on mac's
moose said:
Windows have annoying pop ups telling you some vulnerabilities, or some problem in the OS, which usually make the computer crash.
Where as when Mac's encounter a problem you're left with a black screen hmm.
moose said:
In Windows, you have to download antivirus programs and firewalls since in XP Home, firewalls are set off in default. Some people don't even know what firewalls are. Pathetic, but I'm sure you will find many people at your school who don't know what the hell a firewall is.
You can easily turn on firewalls and as far as I known the default is on. Since now adays most people who wan't a computer will go to a store like bestbuy and get sold an HP most of that stuuf is already preloaded and set for computer illiterate people. Downloading Firewalls is never a smart thing to do if your going to get a firewall get router with a firewall built in like the smc7004vbr. These are much more secure.
moose said:
Macs, you get the job done, no crashing, no spyware, and shutting down in no time, when PCs you could get problems of computers crashing, ofcource getting spyware, and shutting down could take around 50 seconds for average computers.
Belive me if I tried to use a mac like i use my PC It'd crash, crash and burn. The only time my computer crashed was when I was overclocking it at a dangerously high amount.
moose said:
So, paying that extra cash really kinda means something ya know.
For what most people need in a computer the extra cash isn't worth it.
moose said:
And for an end to this post, simplicity really is best. They're real stylish too. Chicks dig em.
Now you're comparing a computer to an OS not an OS to an OS
I really really dislike the look of macs since nowadays most macs have a screen built in that means you can't increase your monitor size where as I can go ot and buy a bigger monitor.

hyper89 said:
To clear things up, Mac only has 200 viruses compared to the 100 000 - 200 000 on a pc.
yeah according to statistics. While I don't doub't the amount of viruses for PCs the number for macs is considerable higher most viruses for macs are unoticed and unlogged where as virus software is updated daily and a record of viruses is kept.


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Macs are actully pretty good. I'm not dissin' on windows or anything(because I use it), but I also have a Mac(G5, before the new chip) and it runs faster than my pc('bout 3 months old with the best graphix card and shiz you can get from dell).
Macs turn on faster than a PC.
Macs look cooler.
Macs are the child of Apple who is the father of the Apple I y II.