Make as much as one requests......

John Klyne

Community Advocate
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Okay, this new site I am working on, the (forum is basically done)....the other pages are not.

View it at this site.

Well on the site, it lets people register.

Then anyone that wants someone to do something for some money, they can do it, and post their proof of having done it (a picture or video).

To post what you want someone to do, a person needs to deposit money, into the site Bank account.

That money then goes directly to the poster who posted their proof having done something, and gets it, the only way the site makes money is 1. through donation, and
2. it takes 10 % of anything above $ 5.00 that someone would receive for doing something. If it is less then $ 5.00 we take 5 %.

I am not sure if I displayed what the site is about, but I am going to launch the site fully with ads and everything on New Years Eve, right now the site is still under construction (though can it can be viewed by it's members), it is kind of in a soft opening state, (like a casino would have).

Tell me what you think, about this site.

The way people would make money is doing what another person wants you to, and posting your proof (video or picture).

That money is then given to the person who posted the proof first, through their paypal account.

Please comment. Thankyou.